如果您想在重新启动时获得帮助,请查阅“Download or Back Up Configuration Files on a Switch”(在交换机上下载或备份配置文件)”一文。 第1 步 登录到交换机的基于Web的实用程序,然后选择Administration >Reboot。 步骤2 在Reboot区域,点击与交换机重新启动所需时间对应的单选按钮。 选项有: 立即— 点击重新...
现在,您应该已经通过CLI成功重新加载了交换机。 在下面的示例中,使用立即重新加载,并在两个问题上都输入Y。 现在您已成功手动重置了交换机。若要了解如何通过CLI在交换机上分配IP地址,请单击此处。 如果要通过GUI执行重置,请选中Reboot and Factory Default Reset on 300 Series Managed Switch...
Rebooting your Cisco switch can be a chore but it doesn’t need to be a daunting task. Fortunately there’s a tried-and-true command you can use to execute the reboot: the aptly namedreloadcommand. In this section we’ll cover the details of how to execute the reboot command and what ...
yesterday i have similar automatic reboot on another core (today it was core2 and yesterday it was core1)..i am putiing down the crashdump for that switch..can you please verify it is related to same bug... --- show platform crashdump --- Current Time: 2/19/2013 16:22:7 Last Po...
reboot the stack order was messed up but if you look at all the port 48s in the stack they do not have VLAN 10 configured on them and that is the data VLAN. have had several engineers look at this with no luck . I have attached the config and log. Any help would be greatly ...
These commands wipe all config and reboot the device erase startup-config delete vlan.dat reload Note: Remeber to say "no" to saving running config on reload. If you say yes, running config will be saved and you wont be working with fresh config on reload. Basic Switch Config configure...
From the CLI, use these commands to create a local net user:. config netuser add <username> <password> wlan <wlan_id> userType permanent description <description>—Adds a permanent user to the local user database on the WLC. config netuser add <username> <password> {wlan | guestlan} ...
在基于CLI的交换机上设置主机名/系统名: switch(enable) set system name name-string 2.在基于IOS的交换机上设置登录口令: switch(config)# enable password level 1 password 在基于CLI的交换机上设置登录口令: switch(enable) set password switch(enable) set enalbepass ...
2.Cisco Nexus 3132Q-X Switch ● The Cisco Nexus 3132Q-XL (Figure 3) is a minor hardware revision of the Cisco Nexus 3132Q-X.Enhancements include an additional 4 GB of memory (for a total of 8 GB). The Cisco Nexus 3132Q-XL also has a 16GB of Logflash and 2.5-GHz CPU.
When configuring a remonte SPAN on any kind of switch, the program crashes juste after configuring the RSPAN destination into the remote vlan (monitor session 1 destination remote vlan 99 reflector-port fa0/24). Will probably be corrected inPacket Tracer 7.1 ...