Note Catalyst 2960ports can receive, but not send, pause frames. You use the flowcontrol interface configuration command to set the interface's ability to receive pause frames to on, off, or desired. The default state is off. When set to desired, an interface can op...
able secret is a password used to protect access toprivileged EXE C and configuration modes. This password, afterentered, becomes e ncrypted in the configuration.Enter enable secret(要求输入特权模式进入密令): The enable password is used when you do not specify anenab le secret password, with ...
etwork using E ds. You will co ment IP addres Ethernet and Catalyst 296an be used. D ght vary from s been erased o IOS Releas ent is Cisco Publi nageme Address 68.1.2 268.1.10 2 stname, mana a switch vi management Ethernet LAN onfigure basic ss for remote d console ...
Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images Recommendations for Upgrading a Catalyst 2950 Switch to a Catalyst 2960 Switch Unsupported Commands in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(46)SE Save Download Print Updated: August 27, 2008 Chapter: Administering ...
entered, becomes encrypted in the configuration. Enter enable secret(要求输入特权模式进入密令):*** The enable password is used when you do not specify an enable secret password, with some older software versions, and some boot images. Enter enable password(要求输入特权模式进入密码):*** The vir...
Cisco_Catalyst-2960_简明配置手册——[网络知识 CCNA].pdf,Cisco Catalyst 2960 简明配置 首次设置交换机时,应当使用快速设置输入初始 IP 信息,这将使交换机能够连接至本地路 由器和互联网,然后可以在日后配置时通过此IP 地址访问交换机。 运行快速设置的步骤: 1. 确认
Cisco Catalyst 2960 简明配置 首次设置交换机时,应当使用快速设置输入初始IP信息,这将使交换机能够连接至本地路由器和互联网,然后可以在日后配置时通过此IP地址访问交换机。 运行快速设置的步骤: 1.确认没有任何设备连接至交换机,因为在快速设置期间交换机作为DHCP服务器使用,所以在开始操作前应将个人电脑设置更改为...
思科手册配置交换机思科交换机CiscoPDFCISCOpdf 系统标签: 交换机配置cisco手册supplierswarrantyucb CorporateHeadquartersCiscoSystems,Inc.170WestTasmanDriveSanJose,CA95134-1706USAhttp://.ciscoTel:408526-4000800553-NETS(6387)Fax:408526-4100Catalyst2960SwitchSoftwareConfigurationGuideCiscoIOSRelease12.2(25)FXSeptember20...
catalyst2960(config)#username XXX privilege 1 secret 0 XXX第二步:将你想在特权级别为1的账号下能够执行的指令下放到特权级别1下面catalyst2960(config)#privilege exec level 1 show running-configcatalyst2960(config)#privilege exec level 1 show startup-config #这条指令可以达成你想要的结果,你的...