本章介绍了 ASDM 启动向导,它将引导您完成 ASA 的初始配置并帮助您定义基本设置。 访问启动向导 要访问启动向导,请选择以下任一选项: Wizards > Startup Wizard。 配置(Configuration) > 设备设置 (Device Setup) > 启动向导 (Startup Wizard),然后点击启动启动向导 (Launch Startup Wizard)。
Chapter: Basic Settings Chapter Contents Close This chapter describes how to configure basic settings on the ASA that are typically required for a functioning configuration. Set the Hostname, Domain Name, and the Enable and Telnet Passwords
ASA 7.2(2) Configurations Using ASDM 5.2(2) This document assumes the basic configurations, such as interface configuration, are already made and working properly. Note: Refer to Allowing HTTPS Access for ASDM in order to allow the ASA to be configured by the ASDM. Note: WebVPN and ASDM ...
https://nbma.info/cisco-asa-ss ...ACL应该不会影响Anyconnect的连接,只会影响连接上Anyconnect的路由条目,我认为不是ACL的原因导致Anyconnect连接失败的。但是我又不知道是什么原因 70 有帮助 回复 Adinm Level 11 发布时间 06-01-2018 07:11 AM maguanghua2013 发表于 2018-6-1 18:31似乎是acl...
下面附录上我的ASA的配置及连接Anyconnect时的报错图片:ASA# show run: Saved: : Hardware: ASA5505, 512 MB RAM, CPU Geode 500 MHz:ASA Version 9.1(7)23 !hostname ASAdomain-name ciscoccie.orgxlate per-session deny tcp any4 any4xlate per-session deny tcp any4 any6xlate per-session deny tcp...
ASA 5506-X Basic Configuration Tutorial The ASA 5506-X has a default configuration out-of-the-box. This default configuration has the following characteristics: Internal LAN: Internal LAN can access the Internet. The WAN (outside) interface (GE1/1) is configured to receive IP...
(config)# Thefirewallconfigurationcanbecompletedonlyinglobal mode. 1, Basicconfigurationintroduction 1.Portnaming,devicenaming,IPaddressconfigurationand portactivation NameIfEthernet0outsidesecurity0 portnaming NameIfgb-ethernet0insidesecurity100 Thedefinitionofportnameandsecuritylevel,securitylevel outside"0"...
Cisco思科 ASA 8.4(x)将单个内部网络连接到Internet配置示例.pdf,Cisco思科ASA8.4(x)将单个内部网络连接到Internet配置示例用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册ASA 8.4(x)将单个内部网络连接到Internet配置示 例 目录 简介 先决条件 要求 使用的组件 配置 网络图 AS
[no]:nWouldyouliketoenableasaclustercommandswitch?[yes/no]:n[0]GototheIOScommandpromptwithoutsavingthisconfig.[1]Returnbacktothesetupwithoutsavingthisconfig.[2]Savethisconfigurationtonvramandexit.Enteryourselection[2]:2 3 系统基本配置完毕,接下来就是在honeywell的安装目录下找到文件夹“switch ...