原本R3与R5之间已经是通的,增加了ASA主要是考虑到R3路由器在实际场景中大概率是在防火墙里面所以才加上; 3.GRE报文要穿ASA的话,需要放心GRE,不放行的话GRE是建立不起来的。 目前通过tracer工具看,access-list命令后的协议是没有gre的,如下图 参考了部分资料说ASA需要调整为透明模式才能支持组播报文...
Cisco ASA 防火墙巨有效的排错命令 packet-tracer 大家经常用电脑或者网络设备上的traceroute,跟踪一个包从一个设备到另一个设备中间的路径,其实在PIX上还有一个命令可以跟踪一个数据包从一个接口到另一个接口 内部处理时经过的各个步骤,如acl,nat,vpn等 Packet-Tracer New Reader Tip: Troubleshooting Access Problem...
interface ethernet 1 channel-group 1 mode active interface ethernet 2 channel-group 1 mode active #以太通道接口统一配置interface port-channel 1no shutdownnameif insidesecurity-level 100ip address SW查看配置结果 接口后面P代表建立以太通道成功,缩写释义可以查看下列Flags部分 ASA查看...
ASA 5506 - DNS and FTP [Packet Tracer] Mathav27 Level 1 06-23-2024 12:02 PM I am trying to a network topology with internal and external network along with dmz. I will be using ASA 5506 and I have the public IP addresses for the dmz server. Now i can ping the public IP...
验证ASA 5505 IP Sec VPN 配置过程 03实验过程 1. 两个ASA上撤销已有的DHCP配置。 en conf t no dhcp address inside no dhcpd enable inside no dhcpd auto_config outside 2. ASA上定义VLAN接口 ASA0: int vlan 1
This lab will show you how to configure site-to-site IPSEC ××× using the new Packet Tracer 6.1 ASA 5505 firewall. By default, the ASA 5505 firewall denies the traffic entering the outside interface if no explicit ACL has been defined to allow the traffic. This default behaviour helps...
ASA5506-X、ASA5506W-X、ASA5506H-X、ASA5508-X、ASA5516-X ASA5512-X、ASA5515-X、ASA5525-X、ASA5545-X、ASA5555-X FPR2100、FPR4100、FPR9300 VMware (ESXi)、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、基于内核的虚拟机 (KVM) FTD软件代码6.2.x及更高版本 ...
要恢复 ASA 5506-X、ASA 5508-X 和 ASA 5516-X 平台上的密码,请执行以下步骤: 过程 步骤1 连接到 ASA 控制台端口。 步骤2 关闭ASA,然后重新启动。 步骤3 启动后,当系统提示进入 ROMMON 模式时按下Escape键。 步骤4 要更新配置寄存器值,请输入以下命令: ...
简介: Cisco Packet Tracer模拟:ASA5505 IP Sec VPN实验 01拓扑: 02实验目的: 验证IP Sec VPN 工作过程 验证ASA 5505 IP Sec VPN 配置过程 03实验过程 1. 两个ASA上撤销已有的DHCP配置。 en conf t no dhcp address inside no dhcpd enable inside no dhcpd auto_config out...
from a web browser. For the first time in Cisco Packet Tracer history, it can be freely accessed from the Internet and integrated in e-learning environment. However, the Github project seems to be freezed and Packet Tracer Anywhere has not been upgraded with the new Packet Tracer 8.2.2 ...