If the command syntax check in the running configuration of the active switch fails while the standby switch is booting, use the redundancy config-sync mismatched-commands command to display the Mismatched Command List (MCL) on the active switch and to reboo...
If the command syntax check in the running configuration of the active switch fails while the standby switch is booting, use the redundancy config-sync mismatched-commands command to display the Mismatched Command List (MCL) on the activ...
Switch(config-params-parameter-map)# webauth-bypass-intercept BYPASS_ACL After the configuration, content of the BYPASS-ACL would be merged with intercept-acl or redirect acl. So, the traffic destined for the ip addresses which are configured in BYPASS_ACL would be allowed enabling t...
After a SWIM upgrade of a Cisco Catalyst 3850 two-stacked switch from INSTALL mode, only one member switch comes up after reboot in BUNDLE mode. From the Cisco DNA Center audit logs, it was observed that incorrect commands were pushed for INST...
Cisco bug ID CSCup53882- Member switches in a 3850 stack reboot - [lost both active and standby] hap_sup_reset: Reason Code:[1] Reset Reason:Reset/Reload requested by [stack-manager]. [Keepalive_Timeout] Seen when keep alive messages are not received from the switch in...
This state is typically seen if the Cisco device loses internet access or cannot connect to tools.cisco.com after initial registration. Online methods of Smart Licensing require Cisco devices to communicate a minimum of every 90 days to prevent this status. ...
If the command syntax check in the running configuration of the active switch fails while the standby switch is booting, use theredundancy config-sync mismatched-commandscommand to display the Mismatched Command List (MCL) on the active switch and to reboot th...
Switch(config)# stack-mac persistent timer 7 Enables a time delay after a stack-master change before the stack MAC address changes to that of the new stack master. If the previous stack master rejoins the stack during this period, the sta...
Stack member loses connection to active on single cable auth failure CSCvh52491 AVB : FED_QOS_ERRMSG-3-QUEUE_BUFFER_HW_ERROR on shutting down neigh port connected to msrp listener CSCvh56835 3850 Watchdog crash after large number of %PLATFORM_INFRA-5-IOS_INTR_OVER_LIMIT: ...
This issue occurs when new mobility, which is compatible with the Cisco 5760 Wireless LAN Controller and the Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switch, are in use. However, old mobility is not affected. The workaround is as follows: a. Enter the following commands: config boot backup show boot ...