CISA也将及时公布漏洞,提供修复建议,并采取适当的修复措施。此外,CISA将与网络安全社区协作以实现国土安全部网络安全审查委员会(Cyber Safety Review Board,CSRB)和其他机构提出的建议,并评估国家网络安全情况。 代表性成果:关键基础设施所有者或运营者增强网络安全漏洞透明性的洞察力,并在漏洞被利用前就已采取修复措施。
2022年9月,美国网络安全和基础设施安全局(CISA)发布了《2023年至2025年战略规划》(2023-2025 Strategic Plan)。该规划与美国国土安全部2020-2024财年战略规划保持一致,是CISA自2018年成立以来发布的首个综合性战略规划,为未来3年美国网络...
该战略计划(提出了改变美国国家网络安全风险的愿景和计划,该文件旨在补充国家战略。国家网络战略呼吁进行根本性转变,以帮助美国超越我们的对手,并按照我们的方式而不是他们的方式制定国家议程,而 CISA 的战略计划...
Through its International Strategic Plan, CISA intends to: Advance Homeland and National Security:Strengthen the resilience of U.S. infrastructure by preventing incidents and improving the physical andcyber securityof critical assets worldwide.
摘要 本战略规划传达了CISA的使命和愿景,促进了该机构与合作伙伴的团结努力。它描述了不能绕过的利益相关者、政策和业务背景,并提出为了更好地执行重要任务CISA将在未来3年内进行战略变革。它建立在美国国土安全部发布的《2020...展开更多 This Strategic Plan communicates the CISA(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure ...
CISA Releases First-Ever International Strategic Plan The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released its first-ever International Strategic Plan this week, which covers the 2025-2026 period and aims to serve as a complement to the agency’s first comprehensive strategic plan publi...
The first priority on APTs — nomenclature that often refers to nation-state hackers — will include the release of an updatedNational Cyber Incident Response Plan, which outlines the roles and responsibilities of federal agencies during an incident. The update is expected this year and will include...
operational priorities of the CISA Director, consistent with CISA’s international authorities as outlined in the Homeland Security Act of 2002; Department of Homeland Security’s Strategic Plan for FY 2020-2024; EO 13800 Report, DHS International Cybersecurity Priorities; and the CISA Strategic ...
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Two lawmakerspenned a letterto the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Thursday questioning whether they’ve been notified or plan to address cyber vulnerabilities and dangers to public safety posed by the increasing use of internet-connected cars on American roads. ...