To decrease cybersecurity risks and protect yourself online, CISA offers the following resources to share in your communities and with your stakeholders. These tools are not only valuable during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) but throughout the year. Read CISA’s full guide here, ...
而美国网络安全和基础设施安全局(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,CISA)发布的《跨部门网络安全绩效目标》(Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals,CPG),则开启了美国对关键基础设施安全防护的科学评价阶段。 迄今为止,国内学术界对美国网络安全的关注主要集中于美国网络安全战略、对华政策和网络安全...
该法案将国家保护与计划局(简称NPPD)重组为网络安全与基础设施安全局(简称CISA),以识别威胁,共享信息并协助事件响应,以保护国家的网络和关键基础设施安全。 CISA的定义 CISA全称为“网络安全和基础设施安全局”(The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency),它是一个新成立的联邦机构,旨在保护国家的关键基础设...
值得注意的是,由于CISA意识到许多企业组织在紧急改进安全上,光是找到相关资源就是一大挑战,因此,CISA今年制作免费工具与服务的目录页面,提供大家使用。网址是 面对企业组织没修补IT产品已知安全漏洞的情况,美国CISA持续汇集整理出一批已遭成功利用的高风...
In this session, Aastha Verma from CISA will present on the no-cost resources, services and tools that CISA and its partner agencies provide to help organizations improve their cybersecurity posture.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has launched a pilot program to offer "cutting-edge cybersecurity shared services on a voluntary basis to critical infrastructure entities that are most in need of support," according to Eric Goldstein, CISA's executive assistant director-cyber...
A Cybersecurity Certifier III provides professional, high quality Cybersecurity Services designed to meet the objectives and expectations of internal and external customers and stakeholders. Cybersecurity Services include the performance and delivery of customer projects, including: Cybersecurity Certification...
美国CISA(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,网络安全和基础设施安全局)日前发布专门针对联盟文职行政机构的新版网络安全响应计划(操作手册)。 CISA发布针对联邦机构的网络安全响应计划。 美国CISA(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,网络安全和基础设施安全局)日前发布专门针对联盟文职行政机构的新...
[14] 联合 CSA:威胁行为者利用多个美国政府 IIS 服务器中的 Progress Telerik 漏洞, [15] 联合 CSA:伊朗政府资助的 APT 行为者危害联邦网络,部署加密矿工、凭证收割机,
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) urged Microsoft Azure cloud customers this week to regenerate keys to the CosmosDB as an extra precaution to protect themselves from risks associated with a flaw that Microsoft claims to have fi...