Imagine your construction company hired Bobby, the builder, as an outsourced subcontractor. You must make tax deductions from Bobby’s paycheque as per CIS rules. If Bobby is a CIS registered subcontractor, then this deduction will be 20%. If he is one of the several unregistered subcontractors...
– an industry which has not been seen as compliant with tax rules. The contractor (see definitions below) is responsible for deducting a flat rate of tax from their subcontractors and passing this to HMRC. The subcontractor will then need to account for the deduction on their self assessment...
The Construction Industry Scheme can appear complex and confusing, that’s where Dolan Accountancy can help. We understand that you just want to get on and run your business as a contractor or subcontractor whilst following the CIS tax rules.
Thin-Capitalization RulesFirm-Level DataThis paper analyzes the effectiveness of thin-capitalization rules in preventing debt finance by intercompany loans and explores their consequences for corporate decisions. A theoretical discussion emphasizes that limitations of the deduction of interest owed to foreign...
S1C. Rules of the Takeover Panel: general principles & other prov S2. Specified persons, descriptions of disclosures etc ftpo s948 S3. Amendments of remaining CA 85 bprovs relating to offences S4. Documents and information sent or supplied to a company ...