He may not be macho, but he's definitely a cis male. noun a person who is cisgender or cissexual. cis- 2 a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin meaning “on the near side of; on this side of” (cisalpine); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (cisatlantic...
Cisgender privilege refers to unearned advantages cisgender people have due to how their gender and perceived identities align with one another. For example, people who do not identify as cisgender tend to experience more microaggressions—subtle actions of discrimination—than those who identify as ...
Even if you identify as cis, Eborn says it’s still important to be familiar with other genders and learn how to use cis privilege to make the world a better place to live in for others. “Those of us who identify as cisgender have the privilege of not having to challenge the world...
Cisgender is derived from the Latin word ‘cis’ meaning “on the same side.” A cisgender person identifies with the sex assigned to them at birth. So, a cis man is one who was pronounced a male at birth and identifies as a man as an adult, and likewise, a cis woman identifies w...
Unless development interventions have a grounded understanding of such barriers, well-meaning attempts will not transform livelihoods for women, youths, and vulnerable communities. Table 1 summarizes the opportunities for including gender equality and social inclusion within the CIS within the three CIS ...