If you are cisgender(pronounced "sis-gender"), or cis, it means the gender you identify with matches the sex assigned to you at birth. Transgender is when your gender identity differs from the sex on your birth certificate. In Latin, "cis" means "on this side," while "trans" means "...
Though the app is made and marketed for cis gay men, there are a noted number of non-cis-gay men on there now. Fran Tirado, Them, 20 Dec. 2024 See More Word History Etymology Adjective Latin, literally, on this side Prefix Latin, from cis — more at he First Known Use Adjectiv...
Transgender is derived from the Latin word ‘trans’ meaning “on the other side.” People who do not identify with their assigned gender at birth may refer to themselves as trans, meaning “other than what was assigned” which includes gender identities such as transgender man or woman (oppos...
Some linguists have questioned the staying power of the word cisgender, arguing that the most readily adapted words tend to be “unobtrusive” — whereas the meaning of cisgender (which stems from the Latin prefix cis, meaning on this side of— versus trans, which means on the other side ...
Impact of cis/trans㏄latin Binding on DNA StabilityShinoo SrivastavaSeema SrivastavaVishwambhar Dayal GuptaVijai Prakash Gupta
Cis-dichloro(trans-1-1,2-cyclohexanediaMine)pt(II)(Miriplatin inteMediate) 化学名:Cis-dichloro(trans-1-1,2-cyclohexanediaMine)pt(II)(Miriplatin inteMediate) CAS番号. 英語名:Cis-dichloro(trans-1-1,2-cyclohexanediaMine)pt(II)(Miriplatin inteMediate) CBNumberCB22604536 MW0 MOL FileMol file ...
Transcriptional regulatory model of gsc gene through gsc-U1 is shown on the left. Lim1 and Otx2 activate gsc and Gsc represses itself via gsc-U111,16. In the genome browser representation, the ordinate shows enrichment against input control DNA for five TFs, or sequence tag enrichment for ...
Metals in Medicine: Synthesis and Biological Reactivity of the Platinum Anticancer Drug, cis㏄latin and its Isomer, trans㏄latinMetals in Medicine: Synthesis and Biological Reactivity of the Platinum Anticancer Drug, cis㏄latin and its Isomer, trans㏄latinmetals in medicineplatinum...
trans -Tetrafluorodichloroplatinate(IVPentafluorochloroplatinate(IVCrystal StructureThe complex ions cis -[PtF 4 Cl 2 ] 2 , trans -[PtF 4 Cl 2 ] 2 and [PtF 5 Cl] 2 have been synthesized by stereoselective ligand exchange reactions utilizing the trans effect and are separated by ion ...
Raise yourself out of the boiling pot, frog, for just one minute, and think about what this means. There is no saving a culture as degenerate as this one, only withdrawing from it, and building up small communities within which to live out the faith (and moral sanity) while it destroys...