CIS Level 1 vs Level 2: What's the Difference? Why Should You Use CIS Benchmarks? CIS Benchmark Tool: PuppetBack to top What are CIS Benchmarks? CIS Benchmarks are essentially checklists of best practices for IT security. They outline security configurations for operating systems, databases...
Aliyun Linux 2 CIS Benchmark中主要分为了八大类:Profile Applicability,Description,Rationale,Audit,Remediation,Impact,References和CIS Controls。 Profile Applicability:其分为了Level 1和Level 2。Level 1是说明此加固条目是基础项加固且基本不会带来较大的性能影响,Level 2是说明此条目是安全性较重的、且如果管理...
LevelOneBenchmark Windows2000OperatingSystem v1.2.2 Copyright©2004,TheCenterforInternetSecurity http://.cisecurity Editor:JeffShawgo cis-feedback@cisecurity Page2of33 AgreedTermsofUse Background. CISprovidesbenchmarks,scoringtools,software,data,information,suggestions,ideas, ...
CIS Benchmarks Communities, a group of more than 12,000 IT security professionals who contribute to developing CIS Benchmarks best practices, are open to anyone who wants to contribute. The communities are comprised of volunteers and include subject-matter experts, vendors, technical writers, teste...
The Center for Internet Security (CIS) has published a series of benchmarks for Microsoft products and services
CIS Benchmark for CentOS Linux 6 Benchmark v2.0.2 Level 1 Server CIS Benchmark for CentOS Linux 6 Benchmark v2.0.2 Level 2 Server CIS Benchmark for CentOS Linux 6 Benchmark v2.0.2 Level 1 Workstation CIS Benchmark for CentOS Linux 6 Benchmark v2.0.2 Level 2 Workstation ...
Base Image: AWS Marketplace imageCIS Amazon Linux 2 Kernel 4.14 Benchmark – Level 1.This will appear here if you have subscribed to the CIS AMI as defined in the previous step. Note: the CIS hardening component can only be used in conjunction with images published by CIS. ...
AWS Audit Manager now supports the CIS Benchmark for CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark v1.3.0, Level 1 and 2 as a new prebuilt standard framework. This framework adds to the existing prebuilt frameworks provided in Audit Manager. With this rele...
Jun 1, 2020 CentOS7-CIS - v2.2.0 - Latest CentOS 7 - CIS Benchmark Hardening Script This Ansible script is under development and is considered a work in progress. This Ansible script can be used to harden a CentOS 7 machine to be CIS compliant to meet level 1 or level 2 requirements...
CIS benchmarks provide two levels of security settings:L1, or Level 1, recommends essential basic security requirements that can be configured on any system and should cause little or no interruption of service or reduced functionality. L2, or Level 2, recommends security settings for environments...