8th Annual global carrier community meetings Dates: Wednesday, September 3, 2025 - Friday, September 5, 2025 Venue: Almaty, Almaty, KazakhstanCarrier Community (CC), a global telecom club established in 2008, is hosting its 8th annual CIS 2025 GCCM event in Almaty on September 3th and 5th...
Archaeological goods of the Urals: from the first discoveries to the fundamental scientific knowledge (XX Ural archaeological meeting): materials of the All-Russian (with international participation) scientific conference. Insitut komputernykh issledovaniy, Izhevsk, pp 175–178 Pereskokov ML (2018) ...
The plan for SAP business growth in the CIS countries until 2015 was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of SAP AG, which was held for the first time in the history of the company in Russia (it was held in July in St. Petersburg). For SAP to grow its business in Russ...
{\"u}tze, Hinrich}, year = 2023, month = jul, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, address = {Toronto, Canada}, pages = {1082--1117}, url...
The woman suggested meeting at a library after hours and overworked, woke, nerds were offended and demanded she be shown the gallows. I find myself saying this often: you just can’t make this stuff up… and you can’t, the question is, what corporate entity will do what Tucker has do...
In the current study, I argue that queer cis men may shame “others” as “fags” when they perceive them as not meeting the standards of cisnormative masculinity. The “fag/faggot” slur is theorized as a foil to masculinity and cisnormativity using a conceptualization of The Queer ...
A new study found that injury rates among transgender women are significantly higher than injuries among cisgender women, based on radiological imaging. The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
In Symposium Abstracts of the 86 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America; Ecological Society of America: Washington, DC, USA, 2001; pp. 28–29. [Google Scholar] Oikarinen, M. Growth and yield models for silver birch (Betula pendula) plantations in southern Finland. Commun. ...