Chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and complications: Part 1 (portal hypertension, ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), and hepatorenal syndrome (HRS). In: Disease of the liver in children: Evaluation and management. Murray KF, Horslen S. New York: Springer, 2014...
网络释义 1. 慢性肝病及肝硬化 新北市卫生... ... 肺炎 Pneumonia慢性肝病及肝硬化Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis高血压性疾病 Hypertensive diseases ...|基于11个网页 2. 慢性肝病与肝硬化 中文摘要据行政院卫生署九十七年国人十大死因报告,慢性肝病与肝硬化(chronic liver disease an...
1. a chronic disease interfering with the normal functioning of the liverthe major cause is chronic alcoholism Synonym: cirrhosis of the liver临近词 cirrhosis of liver cirrhosis hepatis cirrhosis of lung cirrhosis of kidney cirrus Cirrhosis Biliary cirrhosis toxic cirrhosis of stomach cirque cirrhosis...
This study examines trends and ethnic and socioeconomic differentials in chronic liver disease and cirrhosis mortality in the United States. Age-adjusted death rates from the National Vital Statistics System were used to analyze race and sex-specific mortality trends from 1968 through 1997. Age-adjust...
Liver cirrhosis, the end-stage of different chronic liver diseases, is often neglected until complications occur[1,2]. Globally, current estimates indicate that more than 50 million adults have chronic liver disease[3-5]. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010), liver ...
In patients with chronic liver disease, the peripheral vasculature, the mesenteric vascular bed, and the intrahepatic microcirculatory unit have received attention (Fig. 1). A recurrent theme is that while the cells and molecules in each vascular structure exhibit many similarities, variability in ...
This study was designed to determine the nitric oxide metabolism measured as circulating nitrate levels in serum/urine in patients with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. The nitrate concentrations were significantly increased in advanced degrees in cirrhosis Child B and C, and normal or even ...
Clinicians now have access to multiple noninvasive liver disease assessments (NILDAs) that can assist them as they attempt to determine whether or not their patients with chronic liver disease have CSPH. Next: Overview What to Read Next on Medscape Related Conditions and Diseases Biliary Disease...
Social Epidemiology of Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis Mortality in the United States,.. Human BiologySingh, Gopal K.Hoyert, Donna L.
Blockage of the bile duct, which carries digestive enzymes from your liver into your intestines Certain inherited digestive disorders Some infections, including syphilis and brucellosis Bad reactions to certain medications Chronicheartfailure with liver congestion ...