Additionally, the paper focuses on the diseaseburden, epidemiology, diagnosis and the disease coursefrom infection to treatment. We provide an overview ofmultiple studies for the treatment of chronic hepatitisC infection that have included patients with cirrhosis.We also discuss the advantages and ...
You generally can't reverse the damage that cirrhosis does to your liver. But with a prompt diagnosis and treatment for the issue that's causing your cirrhosis, you can protect against further damage. “Depending on the cause of the cirrhosis, there can actually be improvement if you take aw...
and biopsy often is reserved for those patients in whom the diagnosis of the type of liver disease or the presence of cirrhosis is not clear. The history, physical examination, or routine testing may suggest the possibility of cirrhosis. If cirrhosis...
Signs and Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Surgery Prevention Prognosis What Is Cirrhosis? Picture of liver tissue with cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a chronic (ongoing, long-term) disease of the liver. It means scarring to the normal liver tissue that keeps this important organ from workin...
benecessaryforthisdisease,andinterventionaltreatmentorendoscopicballoondilationiseffectiveandrecommendedtothefailureofconservativetreat ment. 【Keywords】cirrhosis;portalhypertension;achalasia 肝硬化是一种以肝组织弥漫性纤维化,假小叶 与再生结节形成为特征的慢性肝病,其主要临床表 现为肝功能受损、门静脉高压 [1] ,其...
In patients with cirrhosis, development of portal vein thrombosis is often insidious and remains undetected until its incidental detection. Management of portal vein thrombosis in patients with cirrhosis is more controversial. However, there are data to support treatment of specific patients with ...
Liver cirrhosis is mainly due to the recurrent middle and late stage of chronic liver disease, which produces high mortality, poor prognosis and complicated complications. Professor CHI Xiaoling is an expert in treating cirrhosis and promoting individualized treatment. The combination of syndrome different...
18. MSCT and MRI play invaluable roles in diagnosis, differential diagnosis and etiological diagnosis of stasis cirrhosis. MSCT和MRI可为淤血性肝硬变的诊断、鉴别诊断及病因诊断提供有重要价值的信息。 19. cirrhosis的翻译 19. Stasis cirrhosis; Tomography/X-ray computed; Magnetic resonance imaging; Multi...
Hemodynamic and systemic changes suggestive of sepsis may be observed in patients with cirrhosis in the absence of infection; therefore, diagnosis and treatment of sepsis may be delayed. The optimal management of the critically ill patient with sepsis and cirrhosis has not been well established and ...
Obstruction leads to increased hepatic sinusoidal pressure, causing hepatocyte necrosis and eventuallycirrhosis. 梗塞导致肝窦压升高, 进而产生肝细胞坏死并最终形成肝硬化. 期刊摘选 Early diagnosis of HCC has been difficult, if not impossible , in a background ofcirrhosis. ...