Dalam khidmat pelanggan pusat pentadbiran, pilih keluar daripada ciri copilot pada anak tetingkap bantuan Copilot atau halaman Ringkasan . Apabila anda menarik diri, aplikasi memadamkan data latihan. Jika anda ingin menggunakan ciri sekali lagi, anda mesti bersetuju dengan terma penggunaan dan...
OrnamentThe purpose of this initial study is to show the existence of efforts in giving local characters to colonial architecture buildings which were built at the end of 19th century and early 20th century. One way is through the use of ornaments or decorative theme themes applied to the ...
Ciri Geokimia Batuan Vulkaniklastika di daerah Tanjung Balit, Sumatra Barat: Suatu Indikasi Kegiatan Magma pada EosenpDOIspana href"http//dx.doi.org/./ijog.vi." target"blank"./ijog.vi./a/span/ppVolcaniclastic rocks exposed in the Tanjung Balit area, West Sumatra, are red in color, ...
PADA BERBAGAI DOSIS PUPUK KANDANG AYAM The research aimed at identifying the effect of chicken manure doses on the growth and yield of spring onion was conducted in Wuasa village, North Lore sub district of Poso regency at ± 1100 above sea level.  The research use... S Laude,Y...
Kusumoputro BenyaminSripomo RinaUniversitas IndonesiaMakara Seri SainsKusumoputro, Benyamin dan Sripomo, Rina (2002), Pengembangan Sistem Penentu Sudut Pandang Wajah 3-D dengan Menggunakan Perhitungan Jarak Terpendek pada Garis Ciri dalam Ruang Eigen, Vol.6, No.2., Jakarta: Makara Sains....
Yogurt is a dairy acid derived from the fermentation process carried out by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacterias. Which will be carried out in this research is to extract features and compute the quantity of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacterias to ...
Keragaman Gen BG1 sebagai Kandidat Gen Penciri Ketahanan Penyakit pada Calon Galur Ayam IPB-D2doi:10.29244/jipthp.10.3.144-151The BG1 gene is a disease resistance candidate gene in chicken, which is located in the MHC region. The mechanism of the BG1 gene is ...
So,the product of development can be used as mathematic learning device in sequance and series, because achieve valid, practical, and effective criteria.Izzatul UlyaIpung YuwonoAbdul Qohar
The analysis uses a mathematical formulation of Newton are mesinered to produce a dynamic force. Results indicate that maximum total force accumulated in main bearing is 194.4 N and 29.7 N vertical direction and horizontal direction. Results of analysis theoretical and experimental vibration signals ...