1、Chapter 9 Circulatory system,-Closed tubular system -Blood circulatory or cardiovascular S心血管系统 -Lymph vascular S淋巴管系统,The cardiovascular S heart Artery动脉 vein Capillary毛细血管,1.Capillaries,1) LM: endothelium: basement membrane: pericyte: /flattened with processes /function: i.support...
AnatomyThe circulatory system consists of the heart、vessels and neurohumoral adjustable devices of blood circulation. The hearta four-chambered pump. Its pumping action creates the pressure needed to push blood in the vess 2、els to the lungs as well as to the rest of the body cells.Location...
系统血液循环系统淋巴循环系统淋巴循环系统心脏心脏动脉动脉: large artery, medium-sized artery, small artery, arteriole静脉静脉: large vein, medium-sized vein, small vein and veinule毛细血管毛细血管: continuous capillary, fenestrated capillary, sinusoid capillaryblood vascular systemblood vascular system内皮...
1、Circulatory system,Learning Objectives,To be familiar with the type of capillary. To be familiar with the type of artery and vein. To distinguish with all the types of blood vessels.,Concepts of organs and systems, Organ: composed of four kinds of the tissues in a particular way,Types,...
11、ic ductRight lymphatic duckThe Lymphatic SystemHeart Artery Capillaries Vein Cell Tissue fluidLymphatic capillaryLymphatic vesselLymphatic nodeLymphatic trunkLymphatic duct小 结脉管系统的组成和功能;心血管系统的组成和功能;心的位置、心包与心包腔的概念;血液循环的途径和功能;血管的吻合和侧支循环;淋巴系统...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1.Component of immune system center immune organs: bone marrow, thymus Immune organs peripheral immune organs: spleen, lymph nodes, skin mucous membrane Immunocytes: T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte, macrophage, natural killer etc immune molecules: ant...
1、第第7章章 循环系统循环系统the circulatory system 配合配合cai课件材料课件材料机机 能能1、体内的、体内的运载系统运载系统 从呼吸器官获得的从呼吸器官获得的氧气氧气,从消化器官摄取的,从消化器官摄取的营营养物质养物质,从内分泌腺所分泌的,从内分泌腺所分泌的激素激素等,都通过等,都通过血液运载到身体各...
第四章节循环系统药物Circulatorysystemagents 第四章 循环系统药物 Circulatory system agents,心血管活动的调节,神经系统(释放化学递质作用于相应受体) 内源性调节因子 酶 离子通道(心肌细胞膜上的一类糖蛋白,作用靶点,受体: 、Ang等 离子通道:钙、钠、钾、氯等 酶: PDE、ACE、HMG-CoA还原酶、血栓素合成酶及凝血...
1、第7章 循环系统 The circulatory system 配合CAI课件材料 机能 1、体内的运载系统 ? 从呼吸器官获得的 氧气,从消化器官摄取的 营 养物质,从内分泌腺所分泌的 激素等,都通过 血液运载到身体各部分 ? 将身体各部的代谢产物,如二氧化碳、乳酸、 尿酸或尿素等运送至一定器官或排出体外 2、保持体内环境的稳定性...
On the other hand, there is another need for the simulation of capillary vessels <20 µm in diameter in the superficial layer of the mucosa of the colon, which are especially targeted for cancer diagnosis by using a spectral endoscopy system [27]. In this case, both methods, ...