血蓝蛋白含铜离子,氧化时为淡蓝色,还原时无色,所以多数软体动物的血液呈淡蓝色或无色。血红蛋白的携氧能力为血蓝蛋白的5~10倍。 摘自https://www.notesonzoology.com/invertebrates/diagram-of-the-circulatory-system-in-invertebrates-zoology/Eg.乌贼(Sepia) 乌贼的循环系统基本为闭管式,仍有一些血窦。围心腔位...
软体动物门(Mollusca) 软体动物的真体腔极度退化,仅残留围心腔(pericardinalcavity)及生殖腺和排泄器官的内腔。 软体动物一般为开管式循环(open circulation) 循环系统=心脏+血管+血窦(blood sinus)+血液 心脏一般位于内脏团背侧围心腔内,由心耳和心室构成。心室一个,壁厚,能搏动,为血循环的动力;心耳一个或成对,心...
由于血窦的存在,大多数软体动物为开管式循环系统,与其运动缓慢有一定的关系。开管式循环系统包括心脏(心室,心耳),血窦,动脉和静脉。 血液循环的途径为:心耳—心室—动脉—血窦—静脉—心耳。但是软体动物中头足类十腕目为闭管式循环系统,其运动也更加敏捷迅速。 软体动物门(Mollusca) 软体动物的真体腔极度退化,仅残...
4. Mollusca: - Mollusks, such as snails and octopuses, typically have an open circulatory system, although some cephalopods (like octopuses) have a more complex system that can be considered closed. However, in general, mollusks are classified with an open system. - Hint: Most mollusks have...
What is the most unique feature of the cephalopod circulatory system, in comparison with other representatives of the Phylum Mollusca? It has four heartsIt has a closed system It has only one heartThe gills are fed by oxygen Worksheet
Mollusca in the long history in the process of evolution, gradually evolved to adapt to the environment of the body structure, external protection structures, reproductive system, nervous system, respiratory organs, circulatory and excretory systems have reached a high level, to better survival in t...
Answer and Explanation:1 The correct answer is (b) nervous. Sponges have no nervous system. While cnidarians, the jellyfish and corals, don't have a central nervous system... Learn more about this topic: Nervous System in Cnidarians | Featu...
软体动物门(Mollusca) 软体动物的真体腔极度退化,仅残留围心腔(pericardinalcavity)及生殖腺和排泄器官的内腔。 软体动物一般为开管式循环(open circulation) 循环系统=心脏+血管+血窦(blood sinus)+血液 心脏一般位于内脏团背侧围心腔内,由心耳和心室构成。心室一个,壁厚,能搏动,为血循环的动力;心耳一个或成对,心...
Mollusca With the exception of the cephalopods, members of the phylum Mollusca have an open circulatory system. The chambered, myogenicheartnormally has a pair ofposteriorauricles draining the gills and an anterior ventricle that pumps the blood through the anterioraortato the tissue sinuses, excretor...
软体动物门(Mollusca) 软体动物的真体腔极度退化,仅残留围心腔(pericardinalcavity)及生殖腺和排泄器官的内腔。 软体动物一般为开管式循环(open circulation) 循环系统=心脏+血管+血窦(blood sinus)+血液 心脏一般位于内脏团背侧围心腔内,由心耳和心室构成。心室一个,壁厚,能搏动,为血循环的动力;心耳一个或成对,心...