circulatory system循环系统英文资料 Contents 1234 AnatomyEtiologyDiagnosisTreatment 5Hypertension Logo Anatomy •Thecirculatorysystemconsistsoftheheart、vessels•• andneurohumoraladjustabledevicesofbloodcirculation.Theheartafour-chamberedpump.Itspumpingactioncreatesthepressureneededtopushbloodinthevesselstothelungs...
circulatory system循环系统英文 Contents 1234 AnatomyEtiologyDiagnosisTreatment 5Hypertension Logo Anatomy •Thecirculatorysystemconsistsoftheheart、vessels•• andneurohumoraladjustabledevicesofbloodcirculation.Theheartafour-chamberedpump.Itspumpingactioncreatesthepressureneededtopushbloodinthevesselstothelungsaswell...
The circulatory system can be considered as composed of two parts: the systemic circulation, which serves the body as a whole except for the lungs, and the pulmonary circulation, which carries the blood to and from the lungs. The organs of circulatory system consist of vessels that carry the...
AnatomyThe circulatory system consists of the heart、vessels and neurohumoral adjustable devices of blood circulation. The hearta four-chambered pump. Its pumping action creates the pressure needed to push blood in the vess 2、els to the lungs as well as to the rest of the body cells.Location...
circulatory-system循环系统英文资料.ppt,Anatomy The circulatory system consists of the heart、vessels and neurohumoral adjustable devices of blood circulation. The heart a four-chambered pump. Its pumping action creates the pressure needed to push blood i
会计学1 circulatorysystem (zīliào) 第一页,共45页。 AnatomyAnatomy ThecirculatorysystemconsistsofThecirculatorysystemconsistsofthehearttheheart、、vesselsvessels andandnneurohumoraleurohumoraladjustableadjustabledevicesdevicesofbloodcirculationofbloodcirculation.. TheheartTheheart afourafour--chamberedpump.Itspumping...
opencirculatory system. And small species often lack a circulatory system entirely, presumably relying on diffusion for transportation of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and so forth. Shared absence of a circulatory system is not considered a feature of phylogenetic importance; it seems to be linked to a ...
In animals, such as earthworms, the circulatory system consists of blood, channels, and five pulsating vessels that function as hearts, rushing blood through the vessels to all the earthworm’s body parts. Gases bind to hemoglobin in the blood. ...
1、Circulatory system,Learning Objectives,To be familiar with the type of capillary. To be familiar with the type of artery and vein. To distinguish with all the types of blood vessels.,Concepts of organs and systems, Organ: composed of four kinds of the tissues in a particular way,Types,...
How does the circulatory system work? Enjoy these interactive tutorials and quizzes on the anatomy and physiology of the different parts of the circulatory or cardiovascular system, using interactive animations and diagrams. Start learning now!