Precision medicine aims to provide personalized clinical care guided by tools that reflect underlying pathophysiology. The need for such an approach has never been greater in cardiovascular medicine, given the large number of guidel...
Circulation-Cardiovascular Genetics期刊ISSN:1942-3268 影响因子:4.864 SCI类别:N/A 是否OA:No 出版地:UNITED STATES 年文章数:68官方网站: 投稿网址: PMC链接:
期刊名称Circulation-Cardiovascular Genetics CIRC-CARDIOVASC GENE 期刊ISSN1942-325X 期刊官方网站 是否OA否 出版商 出版周期Bimonthly 文章处理费登录后查看 始发年份2008 年文章数0 影响因子4.864(2018)scijournal影响因子greensci影响因子 ...
Circulation-Cardiovascular Genetics ISSN:1942-3268是否OA:No创刊时间:0年发文量:68出版地:UNITED STATES官网:影响因子 2024年SCI期刊影响因子出炉 获取相关优质资源 精准匹配期刊 月期刊平台服务过的文章录用时间为1-3个月,依据20年经验,经月期刊专家预审通过后的文章,投稿...
A dream, a journey, and a promise: the inauguration of Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics.ApodemusB chromosomecentromerefluorescence in-situ hybridizationheterochromatinrepetitive sequenceVasan RS, MacRae CA.doi:10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.108.813352Vasan, R. S....
Circulation-Cardiovascular Genetics Circulation-Cardiovascular Genetics SCIE ISSN:1942-325X 研究方向:医学 出版周期:Bimonthly 是否OA:No 国际简称:Circ Genom Precis Med 创刊时间:2008 年发文量:89 出版地:UNITED STATES 官网: 较慢,6-12周审稿时间 较难平均录用比例 ...
· Prevent 26,000 cardiovascular disease events, such as stroke, heart failure or heart attack; · 预防26000起心血管疾病事件,如中风、心力衰竭或心脏病发作; · Avoid 2,900 deaths; and · 避免2900人死亡;和 · Save $1.6 ...
主办单位: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS 出版地区: United States 出版周期: 周刊 别名: 循环:美国心脏学会杂志 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0009-7322 创刊时间: 1950年 热门主题: PatientsPHYSIOLOGYCardiologyCardiovascular MedicineAbstractHeart FailureHEARTCardiacEffectsMyocardial InfarctionAssociationCoronary...
Circulation Research is a forum for fundamental, mechanistic research of relevance to the cardiovascular system from various disciplines including biochemistry, biophysics, cellular biology, molecular biology, genetics, pathology, physiology, and pharmacology. The journal publishes manuscripts of the highest qu...
Circulation Research is a forum for fundamental, mechanistic research of relevance to the cardiovascular system from various disciplines including biochemistry, biophysics, cellular biology, molecular biology, genetics, pathology, physiology, and pharmacology. The journal publishes manuscripts of the highest qu...