Within the syntax section, we'll review the necessary syntaxes for implementing a circular queue in C. Although the elements presented in this article section on circular queues do not illustrate the complete executable code, they provide an idea of the various placeholders required for the queue ...
printf ("put_cb:data queue Head --->>> %d\n", cbStru_ptr->dhead_p ); printf ("put_cb:data queue Tail --->>> %d\n", cbStru_ptr->dtail_p ); printf ("put_cb:data queue Length--->>> %d\n", cbStru_ptr->dqlen ); return -10089; } else { cbStru_ptr->rt_arr[ (...
public class CQueueCode { int SIZE = 5; // Size of Circular Queue int front, rear; int items[] = new int[SIZE]; CQueue() { front = -1; rear = -1; } // Check if the queue is full boolean isFull() { if (front == 0 && rear == SIZE - 1) { return true; } i...
public class MyCircularQueue { //保存数据 private int[] data; //头指针 private int head; //尾指针 private int tail; //队列长度 private int size; //初始化 public MyCircularQueue(int k) { data = new int[k]; head = tail = -1; size = k; } //插入 public bool EnQueue(int value...
CircularQueue循环队列是一种基于数组的先进先出(FIFO)数据结构。它的特点是队列中的元素都是按照插入顺序排列,且队列头部始终指向队首元素。在实现CircularQueue时,我们可以使用一个数组和一个指针来实现。 首先,我们需要定义一个类CircularQueue,包含以下成员变量: 1. 数组:用于存储队列中的元素; 2. 指针:用于指向...
publicclassCodespeedy { intQueue[]=newint[50]; intn, front, rear; publicCircularQueue(intsize) { n=size; front =0; rear=0; } publicstaticvoidenqueue(intitem) { if((rear+1)% n != front) { rear =(rear+1)%n; Queue[rear]= item; ...
Please do not use the built-in Queue library. 这道题让我们设计一个环形的队列,说是不能使用内置的 queue 类,并且让我们实现一系列的成员函数,如进队,出队,取首尾元素,以及判空,判满等等。那么博主最先想到的就是用一个数组 data 来实现,并且用一个变量 size 来保存我们的环形队列的大小。先来实现最简...
A low complexity, symmetric cryptographic algorithm with circular queue and gray code is developed here. The security algorithms, which are using circular queue, can make decryption of ciphered message more difficult. Gray code is an ordering of numeral binary system such that two successive differ...
MyCircularQueue(k): 构造器,设置队列长度为 k 。 Front: 从队首获取元素。如果队列为空,返回 -1 。 Rear: 获取队尾元素。如果队列为空,返回 -1 。 enQueue(value): 向循环队列插入一个元素。如果成功插入则返回真。 deQueue(): 从循环队列中删除一个元素。如果成功删除则返回真。
int Front() Gets the front item from the queue. If the queue is empty, return -1. int Rear() Gets the last item from the queue. If the queue is empty, return -1. boolean enQueue(int value) Inserts an element into the circular queue. Return true if the operation is successful. ...