Business modelEcocanvasCircular economySustainabilityWine sectorToday's linear economic model is increasingly problematic. Creating a closed-loop model in production and consumption is a preferred alternative to address environmental and social damages associated with the linear economy. This paper proposes ...
Circulab 发展出一套有许多工具包的循环经济商业发展方法,包含循环商业画布(Circular Canvas)、循环伙伴讨论版(Partner Map)、循环供应链画布(Value Chain Canvas)等,在官网 上可免费下载,亦有相关在线课程可自行...
An adapted version of the business model canvas describing each CBM sustains dissemination and discussion. While identified CBMs activate the known technical cycles, there is potential to combine different types of circular solutions and enhance triple bottom line benefits. The good practices presented ...
Der Circular Design Canvas ist ein Bestandteil des Almanacs und soll Ihnen Impulse für die Umgestaltung von Ökosystemen, Geschäftsmodellen und Ressourcenkreisläufen geben. Circular Economy Training Die Umsetzung der Circular Economy in Unternehmen setzt eine erfolgreiche Schulung aller ...
Social economy enterprises and circular economy: Precedent The SE comprises a set of economic and business activities carried out by enterprises in the private sphere that pursue general economic or social interests, or both (Law 5/2011, of March 29, on Social Economy). Its guiding principles ar...
Keywords: value creation · circular economy · business model 1 Introduction 1.1 Circular Economy in Real Estate and Facility Management The traditional linear economic model, characterized by "take, make, and dispose" app- roach, has been a key driver of industrial nations' wealth. However, its...
Scholars have recently debated the potential of the circular economy (CE) as a crisis response strategy; however, concrete examples demonstrating its effec
The insights gained from the extensive literature analyses were used to redefine the logic, composition, elements, and potential element attributes of the Business Model Canvas in the context of circular economy. 展开 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-820-4-171 年份: 2017 ...
BMC business model canvas BMI business model innovation BSC biofuel supply chain CCU carbon capture & utilization CE circular economy CHP combined heat and power LNG liquefied natural gas O&M operations and maintenance P2G power-to-gas PE population equivalent PEM polymer electrolyte membrane PV photov...
Circular economy Circular business model innovation High-level circularity Cradle-to-Cradle Circular startups Business model tool 1. Introduction The development of circular business models (CBMs) by born circular startups has been deemed crucial to advance the realization of the circular economy (Such...