Because of the need to limit extraction of raw materials and reduce amounts and impacts of waste, countries and businesses are challenged to transition to
The Circular Economy and Sustainability aims to bring an approach to the key concepts of circular economy and sustainability by combining the scientific disciplines of the economy
engineers, natural scientists, decision makers, entrepreneurs, economists, social and political scientists, and industry experts to discuss in a systematic way the concepts of Circular Economy (CE) and Sustainability (S), in order to bring to the...
True sustainability is circular rather than linear. There is growing societal expectation around a more inclusive and circular economy, one in which resources are recovered at their highest quality, re-used and kept in circulation for as long as possible. Senior executives and management teams across...
Circular economy and sustainability: The role of organizational behaviour in the transition journeydoi:10.1002/bse.2796Bertassini, Ana CarolinaOmetto, Aldo RobertoSeverengiz, SemihGerolamo, Mateus CecilioBusiness Strategy & the Environment (John Wiley & Sons, Inc)...
This paper follows a mixed-methods approach to analyze the body of literature at the intersection of circular economy and sustainability research. 3.1. Data sampling, collection and cleaning The sample of publications for analysis was obtained using two different search strings. The first only used ...
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Volume 1,Circular Economy and Sustainability: Management and Policy, discusses the content of circular economy principles and how they can be realized in the fields of economy, management, and policy. It gives an outline of the current status and perception of circular economy at the micro-, mes...
Circular Economy and Sustainability: Concepts, Perspectives, and (Dis)Agreements In the last decades, the concern over natural resources, sustainability, and the current linear economic model based on continuous growth is one of the great challenges of our time. The assumption that there is an unli...
Circular Economy and Sustainability ORIGINAL PAPER Markets and the Future of the Circular Economy Thomas Siderius1 · Trevor Zink2 Received: 22 January 2022 / Accepted: 9 July 2022 © The Author(s), under exclusive licence...