Based on the review, the study will develop a 2D framework for businesses to follow or for future research to take a standpoint from. Results Preliminarily, the review has analyzed 26 studies in total. The results are close to equally distributed among the micro (8/26, 31%), meso (10/...
This study outlines these through a "circular business model strategy framework".doi:10.1108/JBS-11-2020-0258Nancy BockenPaavo RitalaJournal of Business Strategy
An emerging theme within circular economy (CE) research is about circular business model (CBM) that deals with development of new business models that satisfies the triple bottom-line (economic, social, and environmental) aspects of sustainability. However, there exist a gap in understanding the pr...
standardization/adaptation requirements to international markets that must be considered in the international resource design, marketing capabilities adaptation, and international performance elements of the proposed framework. Finally, as a part of our presentation of the integrative framework, we establish a...
“Business cases for sustainability and the role of business model innovation: Developing a conceptual framework.” International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 6 (2): 95–119. Article Google Scholar Short, Samuel W., Nancy M. P. Bocken, Claire Y. Barlow, and Marian R. ...
It is highlighted that the tool enables gap spotting, to involve all departments, getting an overview, thinking in the C2C framework as well as to think in systems and to increase the speed of the business model innovation process. Concerning the necessity of certification, they stated that the...
circular business models. Having identified possible gaps in the literature (social/economic orientation, application of ICTs, policies promoting CE, monetary value/sustainable value and creation of a conceptual framework), this research has focused on the last of them and, more precisely, with a ...
Getting Only Time From DateTime in Linq To EnityFramework Getting out of memory exception while serializing large data using NewtonSoft json serializer Getting parent page URL when the page loads Getting ReadTimeout and WriteTimeout exception in the code Getting stored procedure script in c# Getting...
Antikainen M, Valkokari K (2016) A framework for sustainable circular business model innovation. Technol Innov Manag Rev 6(7). Bocken NM, Bom CA, Lemstra H (2017, October) Business-led sustainable consumption strategies: the case of HOMIE. In 18th ...
Circular Business Model Framework: Mapping value creation architectures along the product lifecycle. In Proceedings of the Product Lifetimes and the Environment, Delft, The Netherlands, 8–10 November 2017. 54. Fischer, S.; O'Brien, M.; Wilts, H.; Steger, S.; Schepelmann, P.; Jordan, N...