36], which would reduce the importation of high-protein feed materials and the expansion of agricultural land outside the EU [37] and that up to 20 million tons of materials from the food industry could be completely
Uniform circular arrays (UCAs) have attracted much attention because of their ability to provide flat beamforming gain at all angles. To realize efficient beamforming, beam training is widely used to acquire channel state information. However, with a large antenna number, the beam training over...
Therefore, this coming together of stakeholders represented a “bounded case” (Creswell, 2007, pp.73-74) within which we explored the development of collaborative business models for a CE. Our primary data collection mechanisms were interviews and workshops to enable triangulation. Interviews was emp...
This study examines how rural conditions affect the establishment and performance of new circular economy (CE) companies—those that reduce, reuse, re
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in ...
Moscowitz, Infrared circular dichroism of carbon-hydrogen and carbon-deuterium stretching modes. Observations, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 96 (1974) 251-252.HOLZWARTH, G.; HSU, E. C.; MOSHER, H. S.; FAULKNER, T. R.; MOSCOWITZ, A. Infrared circular dichroism of carbon-hydrogen and carbon- ...
While meta-programming maximises expressivity, usually it offers no guarantee of (type-)safety, maintainability and simple semantics. Only some approaches, notably MetaML [74], Java Mint [77] and MorphJ [37], offer type safety at the price of statically fixing the structural shape of the ...
The importance of the circular economy has greatly increased in the past few years, and consequently, the interest in the circular economy as a research field has also increased, which led to an exponential growth in the number of literature reviews on the subject with different purposes. In or...
We propose a comprehensive minimum cost consensus model for large scale group decision making, in which the initial experts’ preferences are automatically adjusted to obtain the measurement and cost of indicators, so that they might agree on the measurements implemented. The main aim of this ...
With reference now in addition to FIG. 4, the holes46and48are open holes that are in communication with respective slots66and68that provide openings to reach the holes through open portions along top edges72and74of the extensions36and38. The term “open hole” is used herein to refer to ...