Experimental investigation on turbulent convection heat transfer of SiC/W and MgO/W nanofluids in a circular tube under constant heat flux boundary conditiondoi:10.1007/s10973-017-6791-5Erfan DabiriFarhad BahramiSoroush MohammadzadehSpringer Netherlands...
Large Eddy Simulations of flow around two circular cylinders in tandem in the vicinity of a plane wall at small gap ratios
doi:10.1007/s00773-018-0553-3Abrahamsen Prsic, MiaOng, Muk ChenPettersen, Bj?rnarMyrhaug, DagSpringer JapanJournal of Marine Science and Technology
The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of using SiC/water and MgO/water nanofluids on convection heat transfer in a circular tube with constant heat flux boundary condition. Thermophysical properties of these nanofluids, such as viscosity, density, and thermal conductivity, ...
Effects of Fringing Capacitances and Electrode’s Finiteness in Improved SiC Membrane Based Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers. Microsyst. Technol. 2021. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Kottapalli, A.G.; Asadnia, M.; Miao, J.M.; Barbastathis, G.; Triantafyllou, M.S. A Flexible Liquid ...
It involves the transfAornmaeartoiobnicodf iogregsatinoinc misaotnteer oinfttohebimogeatshoindsanofangoenxiecraetnivnigroennmeregnyt fwrohmenbaicot-ewdauspteo.nItbiynvaonlaveersobthice btraacntesrfioar.mBatiioognasocfoonrsgisatnsicofm6a0t–t6e7r%inmtoetbhiaongea,s3i0n–3a3n%acnaorxbiocne...
003.DES.PT outlined that "when a human system resembles a natural system, there are multiple layers of complexity that reinforce one another to create a stronger, larger organism." This idea aligns with other participants' mention of reconnecting with nature, and 008.SUS.BR's emphasis that ...