(2024) to investigate the role of entrepreneurial orientation in the context of circular value creation. EO is defined as a firm’s tendency toward risk-taking, proactiveness, and innovativeness (Miller, 1983). The literature consistently recognizes the usefulness of EO as a key strategic ...
2021; Hobson & Lynch,2016; Zavos et al.,2024). However, there is an emerging stream of literature on the role of everyday consumption in the transition to the CE (Camacho-Otero et al.,2018; Hobson et al.
circUCK2 hsa_circ_001,357 down miR-767-5p TET1 inhibited cell proliferation and invasion C4-2 cell line Xiang et al.98 2019 hsa_circ_0004870 hsa_circ_0004870 down miR-145 RBM39 – LNCaP cell line Greene et al.69 2019 circAMOTL1L hsa_circ_000,350 down miR-193a-5p PCDHA8 inhibited ...
2024, Sustainable Production and Consumption Citation Excerpt : The ability to carry out research, development, and innovations to achieve CE objectives is identified as another CE indicator at the organisation known as CE innovations. Ibáñez-Forés et al. (2023) have suggested that patents have...
Midbrain dopamine (mDA) neurons play an essential role in cognitive and motor behaviours and are linked to different brain disorders. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying their development, and in particular the role of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs),
Office Excel detendrá los cálculos después de 100 iteraciones o después de que todos los valores de la referencia circular cambien por menos de 0,001 entre iteraciones (lo que suceda primero). Ahora bien, puede controlar el número máximo de iteraciones y la cantidad acep...
The agri-food industry is increasingly recognizing the environmental impact of the over-exploitation of natural resources and waste production, which has prompted a search for sustainable alternatives based on circular bioeconomy principles. Insects can
npj Science of Food volume 8, Article number: 34 (2024) Cite this article 2340 Accesses 1 Citations 1 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract The transition from linear production towards a circular agro-food system is an important step towards increasing Europe’s sustainability. This requires re-...
de Jesus A, Mendonça S (2018) Lost in transition? Drivers and barriers in the eco-innovation road to the circular economy. Ecol Econ 145.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.08.001 De Pascale A, Arbolino R, Szopik-Depczyńska K, Limosani M, Ioppolo G (2021) A systematic rev...
While the CE exhibits strong growth in job creation, these opportunities are primarily concentrated in metropolitan areas (Niang et al., 2024), despite their potential for rural development (Cherrington et al., 2024). Some countries are exploring ways to enhance their rural economies through the ...