555 timer is required here to generate clock pulses of particular frequency (can be varied using 220k pot) which determines the speed of the stepper motor. IC 555 Pinout details PURPOSE OF CD4017: As already mentioned above, it is a decade counter IC i.e., it can count up to 10 clock...
IC 4093, and IC 4013. We will see how these can be implemented forswitching a relay alternately ON OFFby alternately pressing a single push-button or through touch pads, which in turn will switch an electronic load such as fan, lights, or any similar appliance using a single...
This is a simple do-it-yourself (DIY) remote operated switch. You can use this simple kit to turn ON/OFF a pair of LEDs. This has been designed basically as a learning kit. With this kit, you may learn about TSOP4838 infrared sensor and CD4017 versatile IC. ...
If so, you’ll love this simple music box circuit that can be quickly built with just a few components. Using the popular 555 and CD4017 integrated circuits, this circuit allows you to create custom melodies with up to 10 notes. The circuit design is straightforward, making it perfect for ...
circuit diagram of moving message display using 555 timer and cd4017 icic circuit
There will be lights on both sides, like there is red light on one side and green light will be present aautomatically on another side. It will also have yellow light to alert the passengers or drivers that now there signal are going to open.CD4017 is a 16 pin CMOS decade counter/ ...
With reference to circuit diagram in Figure 1, IC2 and crystal Q1 form a 4.096 MHz high frequency clock. The Type CD4060 14-stage binary divider together with IC3, a Type CD4017 Johnson counter, scale down the basic clock ... M Kiwanuka - 《Elektor Electronics Worldwide》 ...
When we connect supply to circuit then Astable Multivibrator generates a frequency which can be easily seen by the blinking LED D1. This signal is applied to the clock input of counter IC 4017 as a clock pulse. Frequency-Divider-Circuit-using-555-Timer-and-CD4017_0.jpg In case of the fre...
In this project we will use TRIAC to control the brightness of the AC bulb with a IR TV Remote. You can also control Fan speed with your TV remote using this TRIAC Dimmer circuit.
“single-chip” circuit, built around the popular decade counter CD4017 (IC1), is very compact, and can be powered from any 5VDC/500mA mobile phone travel charger/similar smps adaptor. After construction, try to enclose the whole circuit in a suitable plastic case for total convenience. Next...