丰田GR Corolla对标Honda Civic Type R,搭载的是一具1.6L的三缸涡轮增压汽油引擎,这具引擎的代号为G16E-GTS,也就是和GR Yaris是同一具引擎,但它的动力数据经过了强化,最大马力如今来到了304匹,最大扭力370Nm,比GR Yaris多了27匹马力,只提供六速手动变速器,三出排气很有个性。
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PLANO, Texas (Feb.23, 2023)– Due to popular demand, Toyota Motor North America is announcing that the GR Corolla Circuit Edition will continue to be produced for model year 2024. “We are seeing a ton of enthusiasm and excitement for the GR Corolla, especially the Circuit Edition,” says...