This document is a precursor to ALL the electronic pinball repair guides on this web site. It describes the general approach to repair, and what basic skills and equipment are needed to do general pinball and printed circuit board (PCB) repair. Updates of this document are available athttp:/...
Gold edge contact re-plating is considered to be a Repair, not a Rework, and is detailed as such in IPC ... 3D Solder Paste Inspection Automated solder pasteinspection (SPI)systems are very common in the U.S. and abroad. There are many companies who make SPI equipment. ... Spec ...
Bake for Repair Definitely you have few variables on this problem statement - how much time the board was out for, what is ... Solder Paste Prep Before Use First - the time out of refrigerator before use is a little short at 2 hrs. Try to increase that ... Tiny Solder Balls Af...
When the mains voltage is near its instantaneous peak of the cycle, that is near 220V (for a 220V) mains input, it's in the strongest zone in terms of voltage and current, and if a capacitive power supply happens to be switched ON during this instant, the entire 220V can be expected ...
circuit board. With regular temperature sensors that rely on the voltage cables must be as short as possible because longer wire lengths introduce stray resistance and bring unreliable readings. Another great feature of DS18S20 sensor is that it doesn't require any calibration at all, while ...
Check the electrical connection at the fan. Pull the connector apart and look for corrosion or bent pins. Repair if necessary and use dielectric grease on the terminals. Open the fuse block and inspect the cooling fan relay fuses. If they are good pull the cooling fan relays out. The botto...
-Applied wrap repair -Reduced triangle size 170K --> 16K -Exported STEP --> when step file is opened, board sizes are all messed up. Any help is appreciated. Thanks Reply Chrome 93.0.4577.63Windows 10EasyEDA 6.4.24 Ferit Ozan Akgul3 years ago ...