To find x when it’s a power of a prime, we can: Iterate through possible values of y: Start with y = 0 and incrementally increase y. Calculate x: For each y, calculate the value of x using the simplified formula. Check if x is a power of a prime: Determine if x has only ...
Then one day the circle found a piece that fitted ___. The circle put the piece into ___. It could be whole with nothing lost. It was so happy and began to roll. As it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to see flowers or talk to worms. It realized how...
conic sections (ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas are all related to the circle through their geometric definitions), and spherical geometry, which deals with the properties of shapes on a spherical surface, a three-dimensional extension of the circle. The...
DiameterThe line that passes through the centre of the circle and touches the two points on the circumference is called the diameter and it is denoted by the symbol “D” or “d” ArcArc is the part of the circumference where the largest arc is called the major arc and the smaller one...
Dr. M.L. von Franz has explained the circle (or sphere) as a symbol of Self. It expresses the totality of the psyche in all its aspects, including the relationship between man and the whole of nature. It always points to the single most vital aspect of life, its ultimate wholeness. ...
Drawing it properly isn’t easy with a running hand. The availability of a compass (a geometric tool) is preferred by most people, be it at school or at the workplace. Terms Related to Circle Diameter The diameter is a line which is drawn across a circle passing through the centre. ...
on August 24th 1991, two days after the ‘Self-Luminous Disk’ or ‘Saucer-gram’ Crop Circle pictogram appeared at Tawsmead Copse, I investigated it onsite and later that day, a few miles away, witnessed with two friends, a self-luminous ‘disk’ flying silently through the sky near Aveb...
When I shared it with some members of the Hungarian-language Arkánum group, one remarked of this particular text, “That could be a hymn!” hence the title. His recognition of the text’s being at all poetic I take as sufficient blessing to share, here. I read this poem (presently ...
Juno, Hera in Greek mythology, is synonymous with Creation, as the Roman Goddess symbol ofBirths,Marriages, andDeaths(and a theme spectacularly illustrated in the fields, and the ‘Heavens’ in 1994, Ref. 29). Married toJupiter, Zeus in Greek mythology, Juno reflects thefeminineaspect of the...
there are aspects of the higher self that exist within the lightbody layers that are enmeshed with the cells of the physical biology and these are also calledStations of Identity. Through the manipulation of the mitochondrial functioning which impairsATPproduction, this method works to suppress the ...