Circle混沌映射麻雀搜索算法ELM神经网络室内定位optical communicationsCircle chaotic mappingsparrow search algorithmELM neural networkindoor positioning针对传统室内可见光定位精度较低,基于神经网络的室内可见光定位收敛速度慢且泛化能力弱等问题,提出一种结合基于Circle混沌映射的优化麻雀搜索算法-极限学习机(ISSA-ELM)神经...
2.1. By crossing from the central component into one of the hearts, one drives the mapping through a period n-tupling without changing its winding number (for example, the 1/2 winding number period-doubles to 2/4). Hence the Mandelbrot set for a circle map is constructed from two basic ...
When something is not harmonious, it is chaotic. At one extreme is a visual experience that is so bland that the viewer is not engaged. The human brain will reject under stimulating information. However, the human brain also rejects what it cannot organise and what it cannot understand. The...
The collection and disclosure of DNS registration data have evolved chaotically, influenced by GDPR and other privacy laws. The system, while improving privacy, has enabled bad actors and raised costs for registrars and registries. Join experts at this event as they explore Project Jake's framework...
Dissipative systems are characterized by the spontaneous formation of ordered and complex structures, sometimes chaotic. These systems, when crossed by increasing flows of energy, matter and information, can also evolve and, passing through phases of instability, increase the complexity of their ...
beauty and goodness and learned to stop being surprised at the reaction I received when I failed to do so. Moreover, mapping interactions through the Quadrant Model helped me to take a slower look at what others’ behaviours or words might mean and to check my perception of social i...
Christos LISA RENEE on “The True Love Relationship” “The true love relationship is a relationship with our own inner being as practiced in theLaw of One. As we exude this sense of love and altruism to all beings and life forms we will naturally express Compassion in Action as a by ...
If we don’t have an accurate assessment of the many forces that are operating on the earth at this time, it is very difficult to impossible to navigate through the chaotic terrain. One of the most common reactions is for people to seek an outside quick fix, such as to have entities ...
The reason why we have used these wireframes is that they look very professional as well as are not very chaotic. They have that look of a professional as well as relaxing website, which doesn't comprise of irrelevant noisy information that could clutter our users’ visuals. We wanted a sl...
L. (1987). An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems, Addison-Wesley, Redwood City. 10.Ding, J., Du, Q., and Li, T. Y. (1994). The spectral analysis of Frobenius-Perron operators. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 184(2), 285–301. 11.Duff, I. S., and Reid, J. K. (1978). An...