NameTypeDescription A1 Mx3dGeAxis 轴对象。 Ang number 旋转角度。 Returns Mx3dGeomCircle 新的几何对象。 Inherited from Mx3dGeomConic.RotatedScale ▸ Scale(P, S): void 缩放几何对象。 Parameters NameTypeDescription P Mx3dGePoint 点对象。 S number 缩放比例。
Cocos Creator CircleCollider 类型索引Details CircleCollider类型 继承于Collider,Collider.Circle(mixin) 模块:cc 圆形碰撞组件 索引 属性(properties) offsetVec2位置偏移量 radiusNumber圆形半径 tagInteger标签。 __eventTargetsArrayRegister all related EventTargets,......
offset Vec2 位置偏移量 radius Number 圆形半径 __eventTargets Array Register all related EventTargets,... node Node 该组件被附加到的节点。 uuid String 组件的 uuid,用于编辑器。 _enabled Boolean enabled Boolean 表示该组件自身是否启用。 enabledInHierarchy Boolean 表示该组件是否被启用并且所在的节点也...
椭圆弧的参数形式:(rx ry x-axis- rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)详解参数:rxry是椭圆的两个半轴的长度。x-axis-rotation是椭圆相对于坐标系的旋转角度,角度数而非弧度数。large-arc-flag是标记绘制大弧 (1) 仍是小弧 (0) 部分。sweep-flag是标记向顺时针 (1) 仍是逆时针 (0) 方向绘制。
var LSvg1 = mySvg.append('line') // 画一个圆 var CSvg = mySvg.append('circle') var RSVG = mySvg.append('rect') //拖拽 var mx = 0 var my = 0 var x1 = null var x2 = null var y1 = null var y2 = null var rectX =null ...
Returns coordinates of object’s bounding rectangle (left, top, width, height) the box is intended as aligned to axis of canvas. Returns TBBox Object with left, top, width, height properties Inherited from FabricObject.getBoundingRect getCanvasRetinaScaling() getCanvasRetinaScaling(): number De...
plt.axis([-10,10,-10,10]) contain2=patches[0].get_path().contains_points([[0.5,0.5], [1.0,1.0]]) contain3=patches[0].contains_point([0.5,0.5]) contain4=patches[0].contains_point([1.0,1.0]) 输出: 注:本文由VeryToolz翻译自Matplotlib.patches.Circle class in Python,非经...
AlignBottomToSibling (const char *id, int16_t offset=0) void Aligns the view with the bottom of a sibling view. AlignHorCenterToSibling (const char *id, int16_t offset=0) void Aligns the view with the center of a sibling view in the x-axis. AlignVerCenterToSibling (const cha...
double angle, // Tilt angle of major axis double startAngle, // Start angle for arc drawing double endAngle, // End angle for arc drawing const cv::Scalar& color, // Color, BGR form int thickness = 1, // Thickness of line
BASELINE_OFFSET_SAME_AS_HEIGHT Constructor Summary Constructors Constructor and Description Circle() Creates an empty instance of Circle. Circle(double radius) Creates a new instance of Circle with a specified radius. Circle(double centerX, double centerY, double radius) ...