● We take Face-to-face class in university or private room in every two weekends, from 9:30 to 17:00, five subjects with totally 10 weeks duration. Class taking under timely schedule and you can't miss any one day otherwise it will be a lot behind the others. Class completed and fo...
● We takeFace-to-face class in university or private room in every two weekends, from9:30 to 17:00, five subjects with totally 10 weeks duration. Class taking undertimely schedule and you can't miss any one day otherwise it will be a lotbehind the others. Class completed and following...
and also, provide some good security foundation for the server. In this context, what we refer to as ametadata serveris a web server that exposes the functionality of a simple key-value store, where the keys are metadata subjects and property names, and the values are their property values...