CIPS证书是该机构颁发的一种国际认可的资格证书,旨在鼓励和支持从事供应链和采购工作的专业人士。 CIPS证书的分类 CIPS证书分为五个级别,包括基础级(CIPS Level 2 Certificate)、操作级(CIPS Level 3 Advanced Certificate)、进阶级(CIPS Level 4 Diploma)、专业级(CIPS Level 5 Advanced Diploma)和高级级(CIPS ...
CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply LEVEL 6 Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply Aimed at senior procurement professionals and heads of department. Students are required to achieve 60 credits: 3 core modules (12 credits each) 1 core module (6 credits) 3 elective modules ...
Level 3 (Advanced Certificate):Can be completed in around 6-12 months, depending on your pace. Level 4 (Diploma):Generally takes 12 to 15 months to complete, depending on your experience and study intensity. Level 5 (Advanced Diploma):Takes approximately 12 months to complete, depending on ...
**IT education指的是: **Relevant post-secondary degree or diploma; successful completion of the Institute for certification of Computer Professional (ICCP) exams; or successful completion of the British Computer Society (BCS) exam 候选会员和合格的ISP持有人(即正式认证会员)拥有同样的权利和特权,以及义...
CIPS Level 4- Diploma in Procurement and Supply CIPS Level 5- Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply CIPS Level 6- Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply Testimonials Lots of additional reading to complete before and after study group meetings, my tutor is very knowledgeable and interacti...
Diploma in P rocurement 供应源搜寻 Sourc ing in P rocureme nt and Supp ly ■四级L4-D3 ■LEVEL 4L4-D3 ■日期:2014年05月21日,星期三 ■DATE: Wednesday21May2014 ■时间:下午14:00-17:00 ■time:14:00 PM T7:00 PM ■时长:三小时 ■DURATION:3hours 考生注意事项: THB CHAftrsan> In...
■ 四级(level 4): CIPS采购与供应高级文凭(CIPS Graduate Diploma: professional stag) 必考科目四门:《战略和战略采购》、《战术和运营》、《采购与供应案例研究(双模块) 》、《采购与供应链管理的法律问题》 选修科目八选四门:《市场营销》、《运作管理》、《采购与供应研究项目(双模块) 》、《采购与供应中的...
CIPS新四级供应商关系管理考试样题及答案.pdf,采购与供应文凭 Diploma in Procurement and Supply 供应源搜寻 Sourcing in Procurement and Supply 四级 L4-D3 LEVEL 4 L4-D3 日期: 2014 年 05 月 21 日,星期三 DATE: Wednesday 21 May 2014 时间: 下午 14:00 – 17:00 T
CIPS LEVEL课程代码COURSE CODE课程中文名称 COURSE NAME CHINESE课程英文名称 COURSE NAME ENGLISH人力资源社会保障部 SOCIAL SECURITY OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC CIPS四级采购与供应基础文凭 Foundatin Diploma in Purchasing and SupplyL4-01《采购与供应谈判》Effective Neggotiation in Purchasing and Supply ...