技术总监技术经理项目总监项目经理项目主管项目助理首席技术执行官CTO首席信息官CIO测试经理 更多: 行业分类 计算机软件 计算机硬件 计算机服务(系统、数据服务、维修) 通信/电信/网络设备 通信/电信运营、增值服务 互联网/电子商务 网络游戏 电子技术/半导体/集成电路 仪器仪表/工业自动化 会计/审计 金融/投资/证券 银...
CTO信息技术总监(汽车金融头部企业)12-18发布 立即沟通 4-6万上海·杨浦区 | 10年及以上 | 本科 市场调研it成本管控经营管理产品规划信息管理二次开发系统维护信息系统信息化建设 上海利真汽车服务咨询有限公司-石家庄 民营| 少于50人 汽车 IT中心副总02-21发布 ...
CTO Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官 CIO Chief Information Officer 首席信息官 CSO Chief Security Officer 首席安全官 CKO Chief Knowledge Officer 首席知识官 CMO Chief Marketing Officer 首席市场官/首席营销官 CCO Chief Crisis Official 首席危机官 CHO Chief Human Resources Officer 人力资源总监 CPA Certifi...
Traditionally, the CTO provided a single “buck stops here” point of view on technology trends, policies, and procedures critical to developing or enhancing a company’s products and services. As technology has advanced, theCTO role has changedto keep pace. ...
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全球知名消费电子品牌企业 安克创新 cio 本科薪酬区间: - ,其中%的岗位拿¥ 说明:岗位平均工资是以企业发布的招聘岗位为分析依据,建议结合职位类型及学历地区经验等查看。 安克创新 cio 本科历年工资变化 说明:数据取决于当年在线职位薪酬样本,并不能完全代表企业内部真实情况。仅供参考。
conversation with CIO/CTO/CDO to understand the business & IT...更多…… Administration and Business Supt HSBC 广州市 全职 +1 political affiliation, people with disabilities, color, national... merit and suitability... role...更多…… Senior Software Engineer HSBC 广州市 全职 +1 political ...
CIOs are also involved in creating business opportunities through information technology, although in larger companies this is often the role of the chief technology officer (CTO). Collaborating with other executives, CIOs work at the core of business development within the organization. See CTO, job...
Define CIO. CIO synonyms, CIO pronunciation, CIO translation, English dictionary definition of CIO. abbr. 1. chief information officer 2. Congress of Industrial Organizations American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
The CIO-CTO alliance: Delivering value, together The good news for CIOs facing these challenges: they are not alone. With the increasing prominence of the CTO role, CIOs have crucial allies within the technology function. And while organizations may have unique combinations of technology needs, ...