如果您使用的是 Cintiq 22HD touch (简称 Cintiq 22HDT),您还可以使用标准手势直接在您的数位屏上执行功能。使用提供的触控功能说明了解多指触控。 您的Cintiq 22HD 或 Cintiq 22HDT 可与产品随附的压感笔一起使用,或者可与其他兼容 Cintiq 的 Wacom 压感笔或工具一起使用。 有关Cintiq 22HD 的部件与组件...
Thank you for your recent purchase of a Cintiq 22HD pen or Cintiq 22HD pen & touch display and welcome to the Wacom family. To get you up and running, we offer you free valuable software, as well as installation videos, webinars, blogs and software tutorials. Wacom also has a wide ra...
Thank you for your recent purchase of a Cintiq 22HD pen or Cintiq 22HD pen & touch display and welcome to the Wacom family. To get you up and running, we offer you free valuable software, as well as installation videos, webinars, blogs and software tutorials. Wacom also has a wide ra...
新帝Cintiq 24HD Touch数位板(中文)说明书 热度: hd40_jvc说明书(中文) 热度: 多普达HTC TOUCH VIVA T2223(中文)说明书 热度: 用户手册 目录索引 目录 1 索引 1 Cintiq22HD(DTK-2200) 设定 数位屏支架的使用 笔的使用 笔的自定义 数位屏的使用 ...
新帝超级平板将为创意工作带来前所未有的自由,即使在移动环境中使用也可以提供新帝液晶数位屏的专业功能,包括与新帝13HD和新帝22HDtouch同样的全高清液晶屏、2048级压力感应以及支持倾斜感应的Wacom专业笔等诸多特性。 Make the world your studio—用新帝超级平板可以随时随地进行创作...
The only Cintiqs with multitouch are the larger, pricier22HD Touchand24 HD touch. Because of the HD screen resolution of 165 pixels, icons in Photoshop will show up small. This is an issue with all high-res tablets. So it can be a little fussy to use, and better to look at Photosh...
The only Cintiqs with multitouch are the larger, pricier22HD Touchand24 HD touch. Because of the HD screen resolution of 165 pixels, icons in Photoshop will show up small. This is an issue with all high-res tablets. So it can be a little fussy to use, and better to look at Photosh...
Cintiq 22HD (DTK-2200) Cintiq 22HD Touch (DTH-2200) Cintiq 24HD (DTK-2400) Cintiq 24HD Touch (DTH-2400) Cintiq 27QHD (DTK-2700) Cintiq 27QHD Touch (DTH-2700) Cintiq Companion 256 Go (DTH-W1300L) Cintiq Companion 512 Go (DTH-W1300H) ...
新帝移动电脑将为创意工作带来前所未有的自由,即使在移动环境中使用也可以提供新帝液晶数位屏的专业功能,包括与新帝13HD和新帝22HDtouch同样的全高清液晶屏、2048级压力感应以及支持倾斜感应的Wacom专业笔等诸多特性。 随时随地进行创作 如今,创意专业人士需要高性能的软硬件配置,以便在不同的环境中进行...
Wacom Cintiq 22HD Touch interactive pen display – superb piece of drawing kit but with quite a hefty price tab. 3) Wacom Cintiq 22HD Touch (DTH2200) — Under $2,200 The 22HD Touch features an active area of 18.9” x 10.7” (21.5” on the diagonal) that detects 2,048 levels of ...