Full HD 1920 x 1080 Controle avançado 2.048 níveis de pressão da caneta Ampliadores de produtividade ExpressKeys, Touch Strip e configurações para economizar tempo Ergonomia Suporte giratório Compatibilidade Windows Mac Tipo de produtoInteractive pen display ...
Thank you for your recent purchase of a Cintiq 22HD pen or Cintiq 22HD pen & touch display and welcome to the Wacom family. To get you up and running, we offer you free valuable software, as well as installation videos, webinars, blogs and software tutorials. Wacom also has a wide ra...
产品包装内容Cintiq 22HD interactive pen displayAdjustable display stand with display rotation featureGrip PenPen stand with 10 replacement nibs & nib removal toolCables: DVI-D to DVI-D, USBAC power adaptorCD-ROM with driver softwareQuick start guide证书VCCI Class B, FCC Part 15 Subpart B (...
进入正题——WACOM CINTIQ 22HD Creative Pen Display (手机拍摄,大家轻拍 ) 淘宝搜索链接 9月底加入新公司就下了单,在漫长的20多天等待之后终于到手。 开箱图,虽然板子已经用了一段时间了,但为了文章更加生(zhuang)动(bi),还是再开一次吧 箱子上和保修卡上有一组序列号,可以登录WACOM中国官网查询,ok,正品 产...
亚马逊海外购 Wacom Cintiq 13HD Interactive Pen Display (DTK1300) 黑色 22HD历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Wacom 和冠-Wacom Cintiq 13HD Interactive Pen Display (DTK1300) 黑色 22HD-价格 报价 图片 评测 多少钱-海外购 美亚直邮
The display, color quality, and resolution are equal to the Wacom Cintiq 22HD non-touch model. There’s no real difference there. On the XP-Pen’s glossy screen, colors look brighter; the Cintiq tablet color gamut covers over 90% of Adobe RGB and the XP-Pen over 70%. ...
Larger versions are now also outfitted with touch, including the22HD Cintiq TouchInteractive Pen Display (note: though for some reason it is not called “pen and touch,” it is), and the mother (in terms of size) of all Cintiqs, the27″ one. So now you can happily finger paint on...
New Wacom Cintiqs Paint a Picture-Perfect Family.The article provides reviews of interface technology company Wacom's Cintiq 24HD and Cintiq 22HD interactive pen displays.EBSCO_AspComputer Graphics World
2) Wacom Cintiq 22HD (DTK2200) — Under $1,900 The 22HD features an active area of 19.5” x 11.5” (21.5” on the diagonal) that detects 2,048 levels of pressure sensitivity on both the pen tip and eraser and has a full HD display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. The 22HD ...
Cintiq有两种,一种叫做Pen Display,顾名思义这就只是一个可以在上面画画的屏幕。还是需要主机键盘的。我们一般所说的Cintiq指的都是这种,产品包括Cintiq 13HD/22HD/27QHD。这家伙的好处是便宜而且保值。当你电脑觉得慢了的时候可以置换电脑,数位屏保留。