网络完美越狱工具;完美越狱教程;越狱软件 网络释义 1. 完美越狱工具 电源测试软件OCCT下载 V4.3.2... ... · Super Prime 超级质数机... · Cinject (完美越狱工具) ... · Foxmail 便携版 V7.0.1.8... ...|基于127个网页 2....
Cinject 是在windows内核执行dll注入的一个项目,特点是无模块和无线程,使用远程拉伸pe实现无模块,使用APC 或 SupendThread 替换Rip寄存器劫持线程实现无线程,运行环境在1909得到测试,如想在其他版本运行,需要修改寻找KeSuspendThread和KeResumeThread函数特征码和OFFSET_KTRAP_FRAME的偏移,我会在下文告诉大家如何修改。注入...
wechat hook, wechat helper, wechat tools, dll injection, PC微信HOOK, 微信加粉计数器 - WeChatHelper/WeChatHelper/CInjectTools.cpp at main · Greatfar/WeChatHelper
A5设备ios5.0.1完美越狱 windows版工具cinject0.4.3-zhengzhou518 295 黑莓Porsche P.9981 详细评测-zhengzhou518 295 摩托新机 Droid RAZR MAXX用户界面 详细演示-zhengzhou518 295 新款Beats by Dr. Dre(魔声)Mixr耳机 开箱细评-zhengzhou518 295 难以置信的屏幕移动效果-zhengzhou518 ...
Cinjectis a CLI tool by theiPhone Dev Teamused to install theRocky Racoonuntethered jailbreak on iOS 5.1.1. External Links Cinject readme Cinject 0.5.4 This jailbreaking article is a"stub", an incomplete page. Please add more content to this article and remove this tag. ...
下载 WIN版教程: (1) 下载WIN版工具,将解压出来的文件夹放在D盘根目录下,(本人XP系统) (2)点击开始-运行,输入CMD (3) 输入d: (4)输入cd cinject_0.4.3 (5)输入cinject.exe -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig (6)此时iPad会弹出提示,如图,点击安装,然后会提示输入密码,自行输入即可...
Congrats! Your A5 or A4 iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad is Jailbroken on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware Untethered using the Mac OS X version of cinject 0.5.3. If you have any further questions or thoughts please leave them in the comments section below....
CinjectD例句He has not yet been thoroughly initiated into the mysteries of computer.他对计算机的奥秘尚未入门。 免费查看参考答案及解析 vt.向…提供娱乐,使…消遣;引人发笑 AamppfierBamuseCambitiousD例句His jokes amused the crying child.他的笑话逗笑了那个正在哭闹的孩子。 免费查看参考答案及解析 vt....