in addition to traditional educational achievements, consider including any specialized training or workshops that have honed your skills as a cinematographer, or create a separate section for certifications (see below).
I’ve had a terrific career.In 1995, after 4 years of training, traveling, and competing with the world’s best skydivers, Hollywood opened up, and I remember wondering how many lives it would take to get this opportunity again, so I went for it and my life became an adventure I coul...
Steven De Castro is a director, a teacher and cinematographer who is in post production on his film REVOLUTION SELFIE, which was admitted to the prestigious works-in-progress lab at DCTV in New York. He currently is releasing Fred Ho’s Last Year, his first feature film about an avante g...
At the same time, I know I lost out on some more in-depth training and mentoring I could have gotten as a 2nd AC had 35mm and 16mm film production persisted a bit longer in my market. It is what it is. I suppose you could argue that these young DPs are learning how to light ...
Ocampo Johnson told jurors in her opening statement Wednesday that Baldwin “requested to be assigned the biggest gun available” and that during a training session for it, he had “people filming him while he’s running around shooting this gun.” ...
The attorneys said in the video that Baldwin had turned down training for the kind of gun draw he was doing when he shot Hutchins. It said industry standards call for using a rubber or similar prop gun during the setup that was happening, and there was no call for a real gun. ...