Cinematic Rooms Professional provides you with the controls you need to precisely define reverberation within the surround field. Optionally deviate parameters in the front, rear, side, centre or elevated planes relative to the master preset, for example: Extend and filter the reverb tail in the si...
Cinematic Rooms Cinematic Rooms is the new standard in transparent and realistic room simulation for music, score and post mixing professionals. When we were challenged by industry-leading composers, mixers and post-production engineers to create something special for those working in modern surround fo...
Cinematic Rooms 也不例外:可以缩小到单声道。 虽然默认情况下 LiquidSonics 混响非常宽广, 但有时制作者需要使用 M/S 技术来突出宽广度: Cinematic Rooms Professional 可以带来 +150% 的 M/S 增强, 以产生巨大的宽广感。 顺便说一句,我认为默认情况下混响的宽度已经足够了, 但艾伦-梅尔森无懈可击的耳朵让我...
那么你可以随时使用 Cinematic Rooms Professional Upgrade 进行升级, 只需支付差价即可。专业版可以解锁标准版,因此您不会在日后失去对会话的访问权限。 无论哪种方式,您都将看到当今最平滑、最透明、最灵活、最令人信服的室内混响效果 --无论您使用的是立体声还是环绕声,使用 Cinematic Rooms 都不会有错!...
继Seventh Heaven和Lustrous Plates这两款标志性混响插件后,LiquidSonics又推出Cinematic Rooms混响插件,这款插件声音精美,功能强大,完全兼容Atmos。 Cinematic Rooms模拟环绕声房间的声场,作为一款先进的环绕声工具,帮助你以简单的方式设计出逼真的复杂声学空间。该插件分为专业版和标准版两个版本,都支持从立体声到7.1.6的...
继Seventh Heaven和Lustrous Plates这两款标志性混响插件后,LiquidSonics又推出Cinematic Rooms混响插件,这款插件声音精美,功能强大,完全兼容Atmos。 Cinematic Rooms模拟环绕声房间的声场,作为一款先进的环绕声工具,帮助你以简单的方式设计出逼真的复杂声学空间。该插件分为专业版和标准版两个版本,都支持从立体声到7.1.6的...
With Liquidsonics' latest product, the process has almost reached its logical conclusion, because Cinematic Rooms is very much an algorithmic reverb, albeit one that still incorporates some convolution elements. It also represents a serious attempt to address the needs of users working in surround, ...
Cinematic Rooms是一种混响,专门用于模拟环绕声房间的强烈声学要求。深入但可访问;先进的环绕声工作流程工具使您能够以简单的方式设计出令人难以置信的纯度的复杂声学空间。共有两个版本,两种版本都支持从立体声到7.1.6的通道格式,可用于最新的Atmos床工作流程。
Cinematic Rooms Professional is the new standard in transparent and realistic room simulation for music, score and post mixing professionals. When we were challenged by industry-leading composers, mixers and post-production engineers to create something special for those working in modern surround formats...
Cinematic Rooms是一种混响,专门用于模拟环绕声房间的强烈声学要求。深入但可访问;先进的环绕声工作流程工具使您能够以简单的方式设计出令人难以置信的纯度的复杂声学空间。共有两个版本,两种版本都支持从立体声到7.1.6的通道格式,可用于最新的Atmos床工作流程。