That could beheavily Multi-Core optimized workloads, such as Rendering, or heavily Single-Core restricted workloads, such asViewport-Performanceas in Cinema 4D or (still) Gaming. Updated Cinebench R23 Benchmark results are availablehere. Cinebench R15 Scores List ...
5950X PBO tuned to boost to 5.15 GHz on the best cores and a 4.65 GHz all core manuel oc combined. skylineGTR34, Sep 8, 2021 #147 Dodge Gee Guest Hi, Where can I download a complete list of the CB Ranking Text files(stock) for R15, R20 & R23?? Can some of you also po...
8、与 Cinebench R23 相比,多线程渲染测试中场景的计算量增加了六倍。这反映了 CPU 性能的改进以及艺术家如今必须应对的更高要求。 9、场景的更高复杂性还意味着内存占用量增加了三倍。根据您的CPU配置,Cinebench 2024至少需要6.5至8.5 GB的内存。因此,最低内存要求设置为16 GB(尽管macOS也可以在8 GB的机器上...
Cinebench R23 "Multi" Scores are clickable, leading to the original post. Name CPU Core Clock Single Multi Cooling mirrormax EPYC 7742 (x2) 128C/256T @ 3160 MHz 100981 cb Air nepu EPYC 7702 64C/128T @ 2499 MHz 48844 cb Air Bret Weeks Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32C/64T @ 4366 MHz...