YouTube Care Bears The Care Bears were originally created not for a TV show or toys but for greeting cards. The concept for the adorable bears with pictures on their bellies was presented to the American Greetings company, which quickly shared the idea with toymakers Parker Brothers and Kenner...
YouTube Care Bears The Care Bears were originally created not for a TV show or toys but for greeting cards. The concept for the adorable bears with pictures on their bellies was presented to the American Greetings company, which quickly shared the idea with toymakers Parker Brothers and Kenner...
What this adaptation does best:If you were a child of the ‘80s or ‘90s, then chances are you crossed paths with a VHS copy ofRodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderellacirca 1965. While the movie hasn’t aged in all the ways one might like (the spotty camerawork and video quality make it...