In the early80's Roberto and Rosa Marroquin came to the United States of America from Costa Chica, Oaxaca, chasing a dream. Inspired by their country's authentic traditional Mexican cuisine, in the summer of 2010 they established the Cinco de Mayo restaurant in Ocean City, NJ. When visiting...
it commemorates a battle fought in Mexico in which the town of Puebla defeated invading French troops. Whether Cinco de Mayo is a tradition or a serious celebration, we can certainly have a lot of fun with it and show our affinity for all things Mexican...
與其他腐朽的雞尾酒相比,它很甜但不太甜,這就是我們喜歡Dulce de Tequila的原因。 如果您計劃與潘杜爾塞的Cinco de Mayo晚餐,這是您的理想飲品。 這是一款口味極佳的飲料,可將老齡龍舌蘭酒與優質乾邑配對。 君度,酸橙和龍舌蘭花蜜賦予其甜酸味,使其成為傳統含糖麵包的絕佳補充。
Cinco de Mayo是一個有趣的慶祝活動,充滿色彩鮮豔的裝飾,跳舞,墨西哥流浪樂隊音樂甚至遊行。 這裡有一些你的宴會菜單的想法,使您的Cinco de Mayo節日美味而難忘。 正宗的普埃布拉 Cinco de Mayo在普埃布拉最受歡迎,1862年5月5日,著名的普埃布拉戰役發生。這裡有一些傳統的普埃布拉食譜,可以讓您的Cinco de Mayo活動非...
The meaning of CINCO DE MAYO is a Mexican and Mexican-American celebration held on May 5 in commemoration of the Mexican victory over the French at Puebla in 1862.
Cinco de Mayo has been serving fresh, authentic Mexican food in the Middle Tennessee area since 2000. We pride ourselves on fresh ingredients and authenticity as well as atmosphere and guest satisfaction.We like to think our food is some of the finest Me
Cinco de Mayo 是墨西哥的一个独特节日,字面意思是“五月五日”。它常常被称为死亡节,体现了墨西哥文化中对生死的独特理解和庆祝方式。这个节日可以被看作是中国清明节和西方万圣节气息的交融,带有祭奠先人和欢庆生活的双重含义。在这一天,墨西哥人会举行各种活动,包括游行、音乐和美食,以纪念历史上...
Cinco de Mayo,拜登到华盛顿Las Gemelas餐厅里买午餐: 一些taco和enchilada。 5年前的今天川普在川普大楼里吃taco bowl。
Cinco De Mayo A Family RestaurantCinco De Mayo点评(0条点评) 写点评 0/5分 这是一片未被开拓的处女地。写点评,留下首个旅行足迹吧,游友们一定会铭记你的贡献~ 写点评你曾经游览过这里吗?快来分享你的旅行体验吧~~ 餐馆信息 更多信息 地址: 2100 n Belfaire, 肯纳威克, WA 标签: 拉美料理 ...
One of the largest Cinco de Mayo celebrations are in cities such as Los Angeles, San Jose, San Francisco, San Antonio, Sacramento, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Denver and El Paso in the USA's south-western regions. In these cities, a large proportion of the population has Mexican origins. Many ...