英语解释 Roman statesman regarded as a model of simple virtue; he twice was called to assume dictatorship of Rome and each time retired to his farm (519-438 BC) 相似短语 lucius quinctius cincinnatusphr. 辛辛那塔斯 相似单词 cincinnatusn. 罗马政治家 ...
(Biography)Lucius Quinctius(ˈluːsɪəs ˈkwɪŋktɪəs). ?519–438 bc, Roman general and statesman, regarded as a model of simple virtue; dictator of Rome during two crises (458; 439), retiring to his farm after each one ...
(sĭn′sə-năt′əs, -nā′təs), Lucius Quinctius 519?-438 bc. Roman statesman who according to tradition was twice called away from his farm to assume the dictatorship of Rome (458 and 439). American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright ©...
Cincinnatus 释义 [人名] 辛辛纳特斯;[地名] [美国] 辛辛那特斯 英英释义 Noun 1. Roman statesman regarded as a model of simple virtue; he twice was called to assume dictatorship of Rome and each time retired to his farm (519-438 BC)
(Cincinnati was founded by members of theSociety of the Cincinnati) and partly because of the model created by the Roman GeneralLucius Quinctius Cincinnatuswas asked by the Roman Senate to leave his farm and lead the army to defend Rome from invasion in 458 B.C. After defeating the invaders...
沪江词库精选lucius quinctius cincinnatus是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释 phr. 辛辛那塔斯 英语解释 Roman statesman regarded as a model of simple virtue; he twice was called to assume dictatorship of Rome and each time retired to his farm (519-438 BC)相似短语 lucius quinctius cincinnatus ...
释义 [人名] 辛辛纳特斯;[地名] [美国] 辛辛那特斯; 英英释义 cincinnatus n.Roman statesman regarded as a model of simple virtue; he twice was called to assume dictatorship of Rome and each time retired to his farm (519-438 BC) 同义词:Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus ...
Images Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus (left) accepting the position of dictator of Rome from... © North Wind Picture Archives Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius Statue of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rick Dikeman...
英英释义 Roman statesman regarded as a model of simple virtue; he twice was called to assume dictatorship of Rome and each time retired to his farm (519-438 BC) 访问沪江小D查看lucius quinctius cincinnatus的更多详细解释>相关短语 Tibisirie fibre (圭亚那) 蒂比锡里纤维 Demerara cotton (圭亚那) ...