I’ve stayed here twice, a year apart and the experience has been consistently good. If you’re looking for something fancy, this isn’t it. But if you want a very nice..." "The room was Clean room. The staff was very friendly. A little noisy due to traffic. We stayed only one...
I’ve stayed here twice, a year apart and the experience has been consistently good. If you’re looking for something fancy, this isn’t it. But if you want a very nice..." "The room was Clean room. The staff was very friendly. A little noisy due to traffic. We stayed only one...
Other modifications suggested in the study include widening the I-71/75 from Turfway Road north to the Brent Spence Bridge project, and relocating the Fourth Street entrance ramp onto I-75 1,500 feet south, to Pike Street. This would divert Fourth Street traffic onto other local bridges. ...
I’ve stayed here twice, a year apart and the experience has been consistently good. If you’re looking for something fancy, this isn’t it. But if you want a very nice..." "The room was Clean room. The staff was very friendly. A little noisy due to traffic. We stayed only one...