Access the most recent census population information for Cincinnati, Ohio, including a population profile and history.
Population1,767 -60% Number of Crimes1,983 crimes / 100k people 60% less crime than Cincinnati Population1,437 Number of Crimes1,983 crimes / 100k people 60% less crime than Cincinnati Population449 Number of Crimes1,983 crimes / 100k people ...
Flight Hours 1 hours | Directflight Distance to Location 373 mi | Short Distance Country Travel Information Capital: Columbus Population: 11,536,504 Area: 65,855 sq mi Spoken Language English Electrical Power 120V, 60Hz Wall Sockets NEMA 1-15 NEMA 5-15 Wall Socket Pictures one...
University of Cincinnati Student Population Enrollment (master's) 108 Gender distribution of enrolled (master's) Female35.2% Male64.8% Student diversity (master's) 5% Minority Enrollment 5% Minority Enrollment 82.9% International 12% White 1.9% Asian 1.1% Hispanic 0.8% Black 0.6% Two or more race...
Population 2,253 Currency Pound (GBP) Geographic Coordinates 51° 34' N Latitude / 3° 35' W Longitude International Dialing Code +44 Cincinnati Information Time Zone Abbreviation / Name EST - Eastern Standard Time EDT - Eastern Daylight Time UTC / GMT Offset -5:00 hours during ...
Cincinnati’s economy flourished during and after the war as new markets in the North were established, and rail connections to the South revived trade there in the 1880s. The population grew steadily, and many civic and cultural institutions were founded. A long period of government corruption ...
Home to the headquarters of20+ billion dollar companies “Business leaders need to know our diverse economy is fueled by small, midsized, and multinational companies. No matter the industry or focus,this is a place where you can reach world-class potential.We have tangible resources likeTheCin...
city on the Ohio River in southwestern Ohio population 296,943 Cincinnatian ˌsin(t)-sə-ˈna-tē-ən noun Dictionary Entries Near Cincinnati cinch ring Cincinnati Cincinnatus See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Cincinnati.” Dictionary, Merriam-...
Population299 000 Altitude191 mètres (627 pieds) Code AITA d'aéroportCVG UN/LOCODEUS CVG Open location code86FQ3FWV+X5 OpenStreetMap IDnode 153938725 Caractéristique OpenStreetMapplace=city GeoNames ID4508722 Wikidata IDQ43196Cette...
Population299,000 Elevation191 metres (627 feet) IATA airport codeCVG United Nations Location CodeUS CVG Open Location Code86FQ3FWV+X5 OpenStreetMap IDnode 153938725 OpenStreetMap Featureplace=city GeoNames ID4508722 Wikidata IDQ43196This...