Nurses, allied health professionals, researchers, nurse educators and students depend on the CINAHL Database to research their subject areas from this authoritative index of nursing and allied health journals.
clinical nursing researchnursing researchnursing research prioritiesscoping reviewthematic analysesTo analyse nursing research based on the CINAHL database to identify research priorities for nursing.doi:10.1002/nop2.428Hanna HopiaJohanna HeikkiläJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdNursing Open...
In subject area:Nursing and Health Professions CINAHL is a database that focuses on nursing and allied health literature, providing comprehensive information for professionals in the Nursing and Health Professions field. AI generated definition based on:Journal of Tissue Viability,2023 ...
摘要 CINAHL是护理学权威数据库,为目前全球最大的护理及相关健康领域文献数据库,且覆盖了诸多学科领域。CINAH数据库的检索技术包括字段限定检索、布尔逻辑检索、截词检索、位置检索和短语检索。本文介绍了高级检索、基本检索、视...展开更多 CINAHL is the authoritative database in nursing,currently,which is the ...
Systematic review of the benefits of physical therapy within a multidisciplinary care approach for people with schizophrenia. Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), and the Cochrane Library were searched from their... V Davy,P Michel...
Event for RCN members to learn about using the CINAHL database for literature searches, focusing on nursing and allied health. Topics include searching, expanding to MEDLINE, planning, techniques, saving results, and accessing articles. Opgenomen in Medisch en farmaceutisch #databank Enthousiast...
[Key words ] CINAHL database; Disciplines fields; Searching technologies; Searching methods 1 概述 CINAHL是 The Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature(护理及相关专业文献累积索引)的缩写,是护理学权威数据库,为目前全球最大的护理及相关健康领域文献数据库[1,2]。CINAHL数据库收集了护理...
带你了解cinahl complete ebsco database introduction 后疫情时期,"三分治疗七分护理"的意识已突显出护理与医疗工作的重要性. 护理学就业前景乐观 ,是同学们的好机遇. 护理学是一门精细的艺术.不仅需要良好的职业素养,更要具备优秀的行业技能. cinahl com...
The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) Complete is subscription aggregate health and allied health sciences database own exclusively by EBSCO and available via the EBSCOhost platform. CINAHL Complete is the premier product in the lineup of five tiered versions including...
临床实证医学评论资料库汇集重要的临床实证(或称证据医学)文献,提供临床医生、研究者使用,数据主要源自ACP Journal Club、Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews、Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects和Cochrane Central Register of ...