intvalue =32; cout<< left << setfill('c') << setw(10) << value << endl;//输出宽度为 10,数据位于输出的左侧 => "32cccccccc" 参考: Input/Output —— Input/output manipulators ——
std::cin只有0和1这样的返回值,错误才会返回0,所以input是永远可以读的,无法结束.要想读只有类似一下的代码 int input(0);while(input=cin.get()!=EOF)&&(!isspace(input));才可以的。你输入回车,' '什么的,他就会结束了;
//check_it.cpp -- checking for valid input#include<iostream>intmain() {usingnamespacestd; cout<<"Enter numbers:";intsum =0;intinput;while(cin>>input) { sum+=input; } cout<<"Last value entered ="<<input<<endl; cout<<"Sum ="<< sum <<endl;return0; } 运行结果: Enter numbers: ...
#include<iostream>; { int b = 2; std::cout<< a << "+" << b << "=" << a+b << std::endl;} 当我输入3 4作为输入时,输出将是3+4=7,这很奇怪;但是当我输 浏览1提问于2012-09-13得票数 8 5回答 C++:对循环进行故障排除 、、 namespace std; char input = ' '; { { { } ...
Return Value Anistreamobject. Remarks The object controls extractions from the standard input as a byte stream. Once the object is constructed, the callcin.tiereturns&cout. Example In this example,cinsets the fail bit on the stream when it encounters non-numeric characters. The program clears...
#include <iostream> // for std::cout and std::cin int main() { std::cout << "Enter two numbers separated by a space: "; int x{}; // define variable x to hold user input (and value-initialize it) int y{}; // define variable y to hold user input (and value-initialize it)...
Use the cin object to read user input: int x; cout << "Type a number: "; // Type a number and press enter cin >> x; // Get user input from the keyboard cout << "Your number is: " << x; // Display the input value Run example »Definition...
int a=cin.nextInt();输入整形数据a float b=cin.nextFloat();输入浮点型的数据b String c=cin.nextLine();输入字符c//注意不能忘记后面的括号 但是前面需要 声明:import java.until.Scanner; PS:想起来了next()和nextLine()的区别: 在java中,next()方法是不接收空格的,在接收到有效数据前,所有的空格或者...
while(std::cin>> value) 的结束条件 学习c++primer时候,遇到如下这个案例:#include <iostream>int main(){ int sum = 0, value = 0; std::cout << "Enter " << std::endl;while(std::cin>> value) //读取数据直到遇到文件尾,计算所有读入的值的... ...