作品名:Madonna and Child Enthroned (Maesta) 艺术家:契马布埃 年代:c.1280 - c.1285 风格:拜占庭 类型:宗教绘画 介质:面板,彩画 标签:基督教、童贞与童贞 尺寸:223 x 385 cm 收藏:乌菲齐画廊,佛罗伦萨,意大利 Title:Madonna and Child Enthroned (Maesta) artist:Cimabue Date:c.1280 - c.1285 Style:Byz...
但是如果我们把同时代的大师Cimabue和Duccio的同一题材的作品,放在一起看,其美丽和激动人心的特质,也就一目了然了。 Cimabue的Madonna Enthroned,画于1280-1290年之间,是木板蛋彩画。那个时候没有现成的颜料,绘画前要用蛋清和水把颜料粉调和成颜料,再画在木板上。经过数个世纪的时间洗礼,木板上的绿色涂层渐渐显露,...
年代:1280 风格:拜占庭 类型:宗教绘画 介质:壁画 标签:基督教、童贞女、阿西西圣弗兰西斯、天使和大天使 尺寸:320 x 340 cm Title:Madonna Enthroned with the Child, St. Francis and Four Angel artist:Cimabue Date:1280 Style:Byzantine Genre:religious painting Media:fresco Tag:Christianity,Virgin-and-Child...
Crucifix, 1287-1288Crucifix, 1280-1283Crucifix, 1272 Enthroned Madonna with Angels, c.1285Kristi gripande (detail)Madonna and Child Enthroned (Maesta), c.1280-c.1285 Madonna Enthroned with the Child and Two Angels, 1280Madonna Enthroned with the Child with AngelsMadonna Enthroned with the Child...
Cimabue的作品「Madonna and Child Enthroned (Maesta)」无水印高清大图免费下载,创作年代:1285,图片尺寸:1789x3100px,风格:Byzantine,体裁:宗教画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」nbfox.com
Endocrinology and Art. Madonna Enthroned with Child - Cenni di Pepo called Cimabue (Florence 1240-Pisa 1302).Cenni di Pepo called Cimabue was an extraordinary Italian painter whose life is documented between 1272 and 1302. He was a very famous artist in his time; he is mentioned in the XI...
在阿西西,在圣弗朗西斯科下大教堂的耳堂,他创作了一幅壁画,名为《圣母子登基、四个天使和圣方济各》(Madonna with Child Enthroned, Four Angels and St Francis)。这幅壁画的左侧部分已丢失,但可能是《帕多瓦的圣安东尼》( St Anthony of Padua,这幅画的作者最近因技术和风格原因而受到争议)。随后,契马布埃被...
The artwork in question is entitledMadonna Enthroned. It was created between 1280 and 1290 by Cimabue of Florence (Davies et al. 283). It is tempera on panel and the dimensions of the artwork are 3.9 x 2.2 m (Davies et al. 283). It is also necessary to note that the artist used go...
As was the custom in those days, the artists concentrated mainly on depicting the Church, Christ and the Madonna in various forms. In this paper, the painting of Madonna Enthroned that was painted by them would be discussed and analyzed to find the subtle difference in style, geometry and ...