作品名:十字架 艺术家:契马布埃 年代:1272 风格:拜占庭 类型:宗教绘画 标签:基督教,Jesus Christ,十字架 收藏:意大利阿雷佐圣多梅尼科教堂 Title:Crucifix artist:Cimabue Date:1272 Style:Byzantine Genre:religious painting Tag:Christianity,Jesus-Christ,Crucifixion Location:Basilica of San Domenico, Arezzo, Italy...
Title:Crucifix artist:Cimabue Date:1280 - 1283 Style:Byzantine Genre:religious painting Media:fresco Tag:Christianity,Jesus-Christ,Crucifixion Dimensions:360 x 690 cm Location:Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, Assisi, Italy收藏 点赞0 作品名称:《十字架》契马布埃(Cimabue)高清作品欣赏 作品链接:https...
Fisher, Catherine
9.One of the most admired works at Santa Croce is Cimabue’s “Crucifix,” the 13th-century painted cross in wood that was submerged in the flood up to Christ’s golden halo. 10.It has been established that Giotto was born in Tuscany around 1267 and studied with Cimabue, one of the ...
Paintings by Cimabue in Alphabetical Order Crucifix, 1287-1288Crucifix, 1280-1283Crucifix, 1272 Enthroned Madonna with Angels, c.1285Kristi gripande (detail)Madonna and Child Enthroned (Maesta), c.1280-c.1285 Madonna Enthroned with the Child and Two Angels, 1280Madonna Enthroned with the Child ...
同义词:Giovanni Cimabue 学习怎么用 权威例句 Cimabue Cimabue Cimabue Madonna of the Holy Trinity チマブーエ : フィレンツェ絵画の先駆者 Painted Wooden Crucifix Madonna and Child Enthroned チマブーエ : フィレンツェ絵画の先駆者 / モニカ・キエッリーニ著 ; 野村幸弘訳 ...
The wooden crucifix absorbed so much water that it expanded by three inches and doubled its weight. It took years for the cross to shrink back down to its original size. I could see spots with sections missing. The wood had cracked, it grew mold, and paint began to flake off even afte...
The symbol of Florence's artistic patrimony was a crucifix by Cimabue, an influential painter in the 13th century. 佛罗伦萨艺术遗产的标志是一座由13世纪颇具影响力的一位画家契马布艾所作的耶稣受难像。 3. Vasari divides the age into three phases: the first phase contains Cimabue, ...
Only Cimabue’s last work, themosaicofSt. John the Evangelist, in the Duomo of Pisa, is dated (1301–02). The largeCrucifix, in S. Domenico,Arezzo, is generally accepted as his earliest work and datable before 1272. The frescoes in the upper church of S. Francesco, Assisi—some of whi...